
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

USA agencies protect Venezuelan and international thieves and murderers

VHeadline.com commentarist Chris Herz writes: Whether it is the astounding revelations concerning Chilean ex-dictator Pinochet or the contemporary news involving Ahmed Chalabi and his relatives, the criminality of the US manipulators of all of these persons is not in dispute.

Pinochet, at the very moment he was under international investigation for his crimes of murder and repression against thousands of his own people, succeeded in having his bank accounts hidden from judges and prosecutors by the major international bank in Washington.

Chalabi, who with his colleague in disinformation at the New York Times, Judith Miller, managed to present to the incompetent Bush administration phony information supporting their cherished beliefs about Saddam Hussein and his "weapons of mass destruction," has now been charged by the puppet administration in Iraq with grievous crimes.

None of this was unknown to official US agencies even at the moment the crimes were committed. What is significant to Venezolanos and others in the international community is not that these persons are thieves and murderers, but that it was deemed in the interests of the North American Empire that they should be protected.

It is equally interesting that even at the moment of its life or death struggle with popular insurgency the Iraq puppet-regime saw the need to expose the criminals who more than any others incited and induced the American invasion of Iraq.

Both corporate factions in the USA ... that led by Senator John Kerry and its supposed foe, that led by President George W. Bush ... unite in the adamantine determination to protect such persons and to seek more of the same for their future operations against anyone proposing democracy, freedom and Independence for subject nations.

The machinations of a corporate state against its subject peoples are not to be crippled by any mere allegiance to law, morality or justice.

And in the Byzantine labyrinth of post-invasion Iraqi politics, it remains to be seen what will come of all this, but that it has happened at all is an indication of the essential weakness of the US position in that unfortunate devastated and occupied country.

Meanwhile in the corporate capital of the corporate empire, Washington, ever-growing measures of security are now in effect. Normal car and truck traffic past not only the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but also the US Capital are interdicted.

The latest terrorist threat warning by the Department of Homeland (In)Security has caused all the streets near the two Washington financial institutions to be either closed completely or subjected to checks on all passing motor vehicles or pedestrians.

The same situation pertains, by report, to various financial institutions in the cities of New York and Newark, New Jersey.

But to return to Washington ... the US Congress has since 9-11 been something of a step-child in the rush to a security state. Even though it was one of the original targets on the day of infamy, the full panoply of security measures had never been made available to the institution or to its members. Their jealousy and envy of their executive branch friends has at times been palpable.

Seizing the opportunity presented by this latest revaluation of terrorist computer files (up to four years old) their private police force closed off or drastically limited access to the whole Capital Hill area, including other residential and governmental areas.

Of course, that these files never even mentioned the Congress (perhaps acknowledging its contemporary irrelevance) was not part of the calculation. But, because the original architecture of the city laid out all the streets from the Capital Building, this insecurity ukase has impacted the entire city. Traffic is really snarled. But our representatives, while perhaps not feeling entirely secure, have at least the assurance that they are now in a position of equity vis-a-vis their executive branch colleagues.

Elsewhere in town, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), located near the State Department in the aptly named 'Foggy Bottom' section of the city, are likewise isolated from the rest of town. One of my very oldest friends working for the Bank reports that the materials he orders (office supplies of the most ordinary sort) can no longer be shipped directly to his organization. They must be delivered elsewhere and transshipped to the Bank premises after careful inspection.

Bombs among the carbon papers?
Anthrax in the paper clips?

Sunday evening, my wife and I decided that we would see the film Corporation, at the E Street Cinema. We observed that the entire audience was composed of upscale white persons in a city whose majority population is still working-class Black. This led to an entirely new level of speculation upon our part...
Was the domination and influence of the corporate media so pervasive that dissent was becoming a class phenomenon?

Are only upper middle class persons and above here the only ones with the personal resources available to investigate such matters as the utter corruption of our polity?
The only persons able to dissent effectively?

Has no one seen this film or Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9-11 but those least likely to object to the stratification of our imperial society?

But here in Washington, business is as usual ... we have heard hardly a mention of this week's Presidential recall election in Venezuela ... and we must speculate that the imperial propaganda expects President Hugo Chavez Frias to triumph over the oligarchic opposition and our masters here do not want to emphasize their failure to influence matters more to their liking.

From a dying democracy, all of here wish you well in your work, to grow your own freedom.


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