
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Friday, September 24, 2004

Vanunu: US should press Israel to stop nuke development

RESPECT for you, Mr. Vanunu!!

peace, love

A Trinity of Evil: George Bush, Big Oil, 9-11

The blueprint for the Bush administration has been the Project for a New American Century. That document stressed the need for a Pearl Harbor type of attack in order to begin a world conquest for oil.

Monday, September 20, 2004


war is satan's way of dealing with problems. love is, as Jesus already said 2000 years ago, is the greatest power, and the key to solving problems.

anybody who fights wars, especially out of greed, anger, and hatred to solve problems, is working for the devil.

devil - "kill your opponent"

Jesus - "love your enemies"

peace, love

Israel asking USA to support definite annexation of occupied territories

and all the Judaized Christians will fervently support this plan...

Why Judaized Christians are re-electing George W. Bush

Judaized Christians (JC) are not unified around one party as we are often led to believe, but they are unified around the interest of a foreign country, Israel. As long as any politician can attach himself to Israel's interest he can count on most of this enormous mass of votes. The celebrity "Christian" media leaders let the Judaized Christians know who loves Israel the most. It worked for Carter once, Reagan twice, and for Bush, Sr., who rode in on Reagan's coattails, and who later lost to Clinton because the blatant pro-abortion libertine Bill Clinton carried a Bible under his arm and managed to convince the Judaized Christianity mass he was more passionately pro-Israel than Bush, Sr.

President George W. Bush, his campaigners, and the national media, all unashamedly bank on enticing the "evangelical" vote just as they did four years ago. If they are successful Bush will win in spite of the war weakened economy, a thousand dead without a cause to die for, his pandering of the Warmakers (now called the Neo-Cons), and his spoken commitment to destroy the Islamic countries one by one. The reason this works is that the Judaized Christians have been persuaded that the wars in the Middle East are necessary because each is in the best interest of Israel.

Judaized Christians have also been carefully tutored to think it is OK with Jesus to hate Muslims. "Hatred" is not too strong a word, but is totally alien to what Jesus teaches. This makes Judaized Christianity an oxymoron that makes no more sense to a logical mind than would a "friendly assault" or a "loving war." It is unlikely that John Kerry can overcome a 25 percent voting block. The Judaized Christians will sweep Bush back in office because he wears the twin pledges; he claims to be "born again," and he loves Israel (they think) more than life itself.


Presently there is no candidate to tell the pubic that wars are wrong. The logic of the Judaized Christians is false from a biblical point of view, and it is enormously self-destructive. Strangely enough, the vast majority of JC's themselves live between the blades of the scissors. They are vulnerable to dilution, and it is their sons and daughters who are being killed in Iraq. They are subtly taught from youth that they must support the state of Israel regardless of the personal cost. Kerry should appeal to those who can understand this letter, and forget the rest. -(end of uncompensated political advise to the Kerry campaign)

Approaching Judaized Christians on a logical, secular or factual basis is next to impossible because they believe they are acting out their faith, and war to them is a worthwhile sacrifice if they think it is "Gods war." And if it is Israel's war, it has to be God's war because they believe Israelis are "chosen of God." Logical arguments and documents about the death count on both sides, histories of the various parties, errors and lies by our government rarely work, for a committed Judaized Christian will simply call it "God's will," and will probably quote an Old Testament Bible prophesy to prove God planned the war himself. All of this is based on falsification of the Bible itself. To end serial wars and dilution, we must find a way to change the thinking of the Judaized Christians. The task seems impossible, but we know "with God all things are possible." This letter and others like it need to be read by every one of them.

this is exactly the problem many christians have in the world. Jesus teaches us to LOVE, not to hate. Jesus was a PACIFIST. "If someone slaps you on one cheek, give him the other one also!"

Fighting and killing innocent people for the sake of Israel is not a good thing. It is totally contradictory to the christian belief. Israel today is everything but holy.

If God created us all, then we are ALL his people..not just the Israelis. Israelis are not one bit more God's children then the rest of His creation.

Only LOVE will change things for the better.

peace, love

Into the Dark


How can Donald H. Rumsfeld be certain of more terrorist attacks against the American people? Because these attacks will be ordered of the U.S. Secretary of Defense himself.



The Rumsfeld-Bush plan to employ murder and terrorism for political, financial and ideological gain does have historical roots (besides al-Qaida, the Stern Gang, the SA, the SS, the KGB, the IRA, the UDF, Eta, Hamas, Shining Path and countless other upholders of Bushian morality, decency and freedom). We refer of course to Operations Northwoods, oft mentioned in these pages: the plan that America's top military brass presented to President John Kennedy in 1963, calling for a phony terrorist campaign -- complete with bombings, hijackings, plane crashes and dead Americans -- to provide "justification" for an invasion of Cuba, the mafia/corporate fiefdom that had recently been lost to Castro.

Kennedy rejected the plan, and was killed a few months later. Now Rumsfeld has resurrected Northwoods, but on a far grander scale, with resources at his disposal undreamed of by those brass of yore, with no counterbalancing global rival to restrain him -- and with an ignorant, corrupt president who has shown himself all too eager to embrace any means whatsoever that will augment the wealth and power of his own narrow, undemocratic, elitist clique.

There is prestuplyeniye here, transgression, a stepping-over -- deliberately, with open eyes, with forethought, planning, and conscious will -- of lines that should never be crossed. Acting in deadly symbiosis with rage-maddened killers, God-crazed ranters and those supreme "sub-state actors," the mafias, Bush and his cohorts are plunging the world into an abyss, an endless night of black ops, retribution, blowback, deceit, of murder and terror -- wholesale, retail, state-sponsored, privatized; of fear and degradation, servility, chaos, and the perversion of all that's best in us, of all that we've won from the bestiality of our primal nature, all that we've raised above the mindless ravening urges and impulses still boiling in the mud of our monkey brains.

It's not a fight for freedom; it's a retreat into darkness.

And the day will be a long time coming.


welcome to the world of Big Brother and the Orwellian New World Order...

do not let the darkness win,

don't let yourselves be enslaved!!!

fight the NWO!!!


Friday, September 17, 2004

Far graver than Vietnam

"Bring 'em on!" - "W"

Well, "W", you've managed to f**k everything up in your life so far, so it was not hard to imagine that this whole war on iraq would turn out to be a failure.

indeed, you're whole "war on terror" will end up being a miserable fuck up.

peace, love

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Girlie Man - George W. Bush is a coward

hehheh, this was a good one!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Likudization of the world

The underlying message is unequivocal: Russia and Israel are engaged in the very same war, one not against Palestinians demanding their right to statehood, or against Chechens demanding their independence, but against "the global Islamic terror threat." Israel, as the elder statesman, is claiming the right to set the rules of war. Not surprisingly, the rules are the same ones Mr. Sharon uses against the intifada in the occupied territories.

His starting point is that Palestinians are only interested in annihilating Israel. From this basic belief, several others follow. First, all Israeli violence against Palestinians is an act of self-defence, necessary to the country's very survival. Second, anyone who questions Israel's absolute right to erase the enemy is an enemy. This applies to the United Nations, other world leaders, to journalists, to peaceniks.

Mr. Putin has clearly been taking notes, but it's not the first time that Israel has played this mentoring role. On Sept. 12, 2001, Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked how the previous day's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington would affect relations between Israel and the United States. "It's very good," he said. "Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy." The attacks, Mr. Netanyahu explained, would "strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror."

Common wisdom has it that, after Sept. 11, a new era of geopolitics was ushered in, defined by what is usually called the "Bush doctrine": pre-emptive wars, attacks on "terrorist infrastructure" (read entire countries), and an insistence that all the enemy understands is force. It would be more accurate to call this rigid world view the "Likud doctrine." What happened on Sept. 11 is that the Likud doctrine, previously used only against Palestinians, was picked up by the most powerful nation on Earth and applied on a global scale. Call it the Likudization of the world, the real legacy of Sept. 11.

-9/11's real legacy is that Bush has adopted Sharon's rigid views

recent events in iraq..

raed jarrar is a resident of baghdad.


I called one of my friends at Najaf today, Dr. Haidar, and he was telling me how catastrophic the situation in the city is. He said that the number of CIVILIANS killed is 950, and another 1570 were injured which is more than 5 times the number of Iraqis killed and injured in Najaf during the 2003 war.

Haidar used to work in the main hospital in Najaf before the U.S Army closed it some months ago because they were attacked by Iraqi fighters from the hospital, and the hospital was never re-opened.

Najaf, as Haidar says, looks like a battle field. Most of the houses were affected in a way or another because of the street-fighting there. Two of his cousins were killed during the fights, one of them is a mother of two children, and the other the father of five. Both of them were at their homes.

Dr. Haider can be reached at his email haiderrabee@hotmail.com


"but, but, ... it's all done for the sake of the FREEDOM and the LIBERTY of the "eye-raqi" people..."

yeah, right...

Convoy of Death

Why have US television stations refused to broadcast this documentary?

In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot in the desert under the watch of American troops.

The film has been broadcast on national television in countries all over the world and has been screened by the European parliament. Human rights lawyers are calling for investigation into whether U.S. forces are guilty of war crimes. But no U.S. media outlet has broadcast the film.

those corporate-controlled media, you know?

corporate media = propaganda machine

israelis spying on the U.S.

not quite the "loyal" ally the corporate media wants us to believe...

Friday, September 03, 2004

Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision


Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be "enemy combatants" has moved him from merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace.

Ashcroft's plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would allow him to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy combatants.


...and Kerry himself voted for the Patriot Act, saying Bush has not done enough on the War on (of) Terror.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Jordan to check for possible radiation from Dimon

Israel only operates its ageing and leaking nuclear plant (at Dimona) when the winds blow east towards the Kingdom of Jordan.....

Israel killed 436 Palestinians in past 'quiet' six months

whenever an israeli gets killed, the world cries and the incident gets full media coverage. whenever a palestinian dies, no one cares.

the time of "relative calm" is a time when an israeli is not killed...

Cry Havoc

If you would know the hell that awaits us -- and not far off -- there's no need to consult ancient prophecies, or the intricate coils of hidden conspiracies, or the tortured arcana of high-credentialed experts. You need only read the public words, sworn before God, of top public officials, the great lords of state, the defenders of civilization, as they explain -- clearly, openly, with confidence and pride -- their plans to foment terror, rape, war and repression across the face of the Earth.

Earlier this month, in testimony before Congress, the Bush Regime unveiled its plans to raise a host of warlord armies in the most volatile areas in the world, Agence France-Presse reports. Bush wants $500 million in seed money to arm and train nongovernmental "local militias" -- i.e., bands of lawless freebooters -- to serve as Washington's proxy killers in the so-called "arc of crisis" that just happens to stretch across the oil-bearing lands and strategic pipeline routes of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South America.

and the problem in the U.S. is that John Kerry is as much of a warlord as GWB. Kerry himself has said that Bush has not done enough?!?!

Ralph Nader had it right when he said that the U.S. administration and the government are all Israeli puppeteers. Sharon says jump, Bush says how high... Kerry is the same way.

Vote Nader