
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Saturday, October 30, 2004

History of US Interventions

who are the true war-mongers?

justifiably, the majority of the world population sees the U.S. as the greatest threat to peace.

DU Released During Canadian Plane Crash

"but...but...it's safe, because we SAY so" - U.S. Government

Friday, October 29, 2004


There is a surreal quality about visiting the United States in the last days of the presidential campaign. If George W Bush wins, according to a scientist I met, who escaped Nazi-dominated Europe, America will surrender many of its democratic trappings and succumb to its totalitarian impulses. If John Kerry wins, according to most Democrat voters, the only mandate he will have is that he is not Bush.

As for oil, the 'o-word' is unmentionable in the contest for the world's most powerful job. So successful is the resistance in its campaign of economic sabotage that the vital pipeline carrying oil to the Turkish Mediterranean has been blown up 37 times. Terminals in the south are under constant attack, effectively shutting down all exports of crude oil and threatening national economies. That the world may have lost Iraqi oil is enveloped by the same silence that ensures Americans have little idea of the nature and scale of the blood-letting conducted in their name.

The most enduring silence is that which guards the system that has produced these catastrophic events. This is Americanism, though it dares not speak its name, which is strange, as its opposite, anti-Americanism, has long been successfully deployed as a pejorative, catch-all response to critical analysis of an imperial system and its myths. Americanism, the ideology, has meant democracy at home, for some, and a war on democracy abroad. From Guatemala to Iran, from Chile to Nicaragua, to the struggle for freedom in South Africa, to present-day Venezuela, American state terrorism, licensed by both Republican and Democrat administrations, has fought democrats and sponsored totalitarians. Most societies attacked or otherwise subverted by American power are weak and defenceless, and there is a logic to this. Should a small country succeed in breaking free and establish its own way of developing, then its good example to others becomes a threat to Washington. And the serious purpose behind this? Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton's secretary of state, once told the United Nations that America had the right to 'unilateral use of power' to ensure 'uninhibited access to key markets, energy supplies and strategic resources'. Or as Colin Powell, the Bush-ite laughably promoted by the media as a liberal, put it more than a decade ago: "I want to be the bully on the block." Britain's imperialists believed exactly that, and still do; only the language is discreet.

That is why people all over the world, whose consciousness about these matters has risen sharply in the past few years, are 'anti-American'. It has nothing to do with the ordinary people of the United States, who now watch a Darwanian capitalism consume their real and fabled freedoms and reduce the 'free market' to a fire-sale of public assets. It is remarkable, if not inspiring, that so many reject the class and race based brainwashing, begun in childhood, that such a class and race based system is called 'the American dream'. What will happen if the nightmare in Iraq goes on? Perhaps those millions of worried Americans, who are currently paralysed by wanting to get rid of Bush at any price, will shake off their ambivalence, regardless of who wins on 2 November. Then, will a giant awaken, as it did during the civil rights campaign and the Vietnam war and the great movement to freeze nuclear weapons? One must trust so; the alternative is a war on the world.

Start des Iris-Scan Projektes am Frankfurter Flughafen

this article is about a new system (on trial) to scan the eyes when entering Germany via Frankfurt...which eventually will (would) lead to automatic border control.

through scanning the eyes, the computer (which already will have your other personal data) will recognize you.

welcome to the world of Big Brother of the New World Order... :-(


LETTER: Bush has no choice but to reinstate draft

well, we knew it all along...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

George "W" vs. Jesus

Where in the "philosophy" of Jesus are the words to support the lies, abusive and arrogant actions, the gross hubris of President George W. Bush and his followers?


The Bush Cult:

Anyone with any knowledge of 20th-century history will know that this same megalomaniacal outburst could have been made by a "senior adviser" to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or Mao. Indeed, as scholar Juan Cole points out, the dogma of the Bush Cult is identical with the "reality-creating" declaration of Mao's "Little Red Book": "It is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever." For Bush, as for Mao, "discernible reality" has no meaning: Political, cultural, economic, scientific truth -- even the fundamental processes of nature, even human nature itself -- must give way to the faith-statements of ideology, ruthlessly applied by unbending zealots.

Thus: The conquered will welcome their killers. The poor will be happy to slave for the rich. The Earth can sustain any amount of damage without lasting harm. The loss of rights is essential to liberty. War without end is the only way to peace. Cronyism is the path to universal prosperity. Dissent is evil; dissenters are "with the terrorists." But God is with the Leader; whatever he does is righteous, even if in the eyes of unbelievers -- the "reality-based community" -- his acts are criminal: aggressive war that kills thousands of innocent people, widespread torture, secret assassinations, rampant corruption, electoral subversion.

Indeed, the doctrine "Gott mit Uns" is the linchpin of the Bush Cult. Tens of millions of Americans have now embraced the Cult's fusion of Bush's leadership with Divine Will. As a Bush volunteer in Missouri told Suskind: "I just believe God controls everything, and God uses the president to keep evil down ... God gave us this president to be the man to protect the nation at this time." God appointed Bush; thus Bush's acts are godly. It's a circular, self-confirming mind-set that can't be penetrated by reason or facts, can't be shaken by crimes and scandals. That's why Bush's core support -- comprising almost half of the electorate -- stays rock-solid, despite the manifest failures of his administration. It's based on blind faith, on poisonous fantasy: simple, flattering ("We're uniquely good, God's special nation!"), comforting, complete -- so unlike the harsh, bewildering, splintered shards of reality.

-indeed...the German Wehrmacht in WWII had "Gott mit Uns" inscribed on their belts.

how can so many people be so blind?

looking at how the U.S. is handling international affairs currently, is it any wonder the rest of the world hates the U.S.?

Germany and Israel restart talks on sale of submarines

Why the hell does the German gov't want to sell subs to Israel? It goes against German law.

money. Money. MONEY! damnit....

Israel's army is the 4th biggest in the world. Israel has chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Why....WHY...do foreign governments still feel the need to arm the Israeli society (which already has armed itself to its teeth) even more???

Israel will fit the subs with the nukes they have.

This is no way to solve a conflict.


Bush doesn't 'misspeak.' He lies. Lies. Lies."

"Americans need to snap out of it," Bernie said, his eyes suddenly hard. "Time's up. Americans are out there dancin' alone on the brink of catastrophe, and nobody's covering their backs. They've been played for fools by the media, betrayed by their political leaders and cuckolded by their religious leaders.

"Help is not on the way for folks who think they can barricade themselves behind closed doors and ride out the storm," Bernie said. "War is on the way. A draft is on the way, and you can take it to the bank that these guys agree with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who has been widely quoted as saying contemptuously that military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.

"Look," Bernie continued, "I don't know whether Americans just can't handle the truth -- or if they've been lied to so damn much they don't recognize it anymore. They may not like it -- you may not like it -- but this guy's a liar. Plain and simple. If what comes blaring out of his pie-hole isn't true -- it's a lie. Not an exaggeration. Not a misrepresentation. Bush doesn't 'misspeak.' He lies. Lies. Lies."

No Longer a Christian

I haven't read a better article in a long long time.

I wish the whole world would (could) read this article and understand, that true Christianity is all about love, forgiveness, understanding, compassion...

Greed, death, hatred, destruction, evil all come from evil, and any "christian" who delights in these, is in his heart not a true Christian.

"by their fruits, ye shall know them..."

Bob Chapman: Its no wonder Venezuela is loading up on military hardware...


Under the US Defense Department’s 2005 Authorization Act, the US is doubling the number of troops and contractors in Colombia ... this is supposed to be a protection against the war on terror, which only exists in the putrid, depraved minds in the beltway in Washington.

The increase in military personnel is an undisguised attempt via the Southern Command to justify its south-of-the-border war on terror.

The elitists and their dummy in the White House are so disturbed with Brazil’s President Luiz Ignacio “Lula” da Silva and his populist ideas and economic success; being offended by the UN votes of Mexico and Chile against the war in Iraq; furious that protestors in Bolivia and Argentina ousted pro-Washington presidents aligned with corporate interest and the US controlled IMF; they are disturbed that economically battered Paraguay would not expend resources to hunt down phantom terrorists the Pentagon insists infest that country’s “lawless” tri-border area; they are fuming that a leftist candidate seems about to win the presidency of Uruguay and then that 60% of Uruguayans voted against privatization and an open economy...

Then, of course, the long standing feud with Fidel Castro ... and then the new devil incarnate Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez Frias, whom they have attempted to murder and or remove from office.

Washington is not happy with foreign relations south of the border ... the present neocons’ administration in Washington D.C. is the worst bumbling idiots in the history of the country.
In our mind, what George and the neocons are doing is using client state Colombia as a staging area to undermine all of Latin America. Secretary of State Colin Powell

President Hugo Chavez Friasrecently called for closer ties with Venezuela and Southern Command General James Hill said, Chavez did not share the new US definition of terrorism, which bunched traditional terrorists with drug-traffickers, criminal gangs and radical populists, who tap into the deep-seated frustrations of the failure of US backed democratic reforms to deliver on promises of economic and social gains.

As Mr. Chavez sought a truce with Washington elitists, the US accused him of human trafficking ... that is not diplomacy ... that is viciousness and arrogance.

Latin American leaders know the invasion of Iraq was an effort to steal that nation’s oil. Bush’s doctrine of preemption is nothing more than a license to kill anyone in his way.

Latin Americans nations should be terrified and should be arming as Venezuela has. George W. Bush, from our point of view, is a lunatic on the Caligula model.

Once Colombia is heavily armed and manned, Bush and the elitists will spread their terror throughout the entire region. Latin American nations, George and the neocons will destroy you and your sovereignty if you do not do exactly as they demand. The US has a southern war on terror that does not exist. They are the terrorists and they want to control you. That is why respect for the US in the region, and for that matter throughout the world, has plummeted. George and the elitist neocons are predators; make no mistake about that.

All you have to do is look at Iraq, an illegal war ... America’s present mercantilist, corporatist, fascist government does as it pleases including two presidential candidates who are members of the Illuminati, a secret group formed in 1776.

Americans have totally lost control of their country ... many Americans are disillusioned and shocked but do nothing to bring about changes.

Latin America should be on their guard because the elitists who run America only care bout their interests.

Incidentally ... for those who do not know my politics ... I am to the right of Attila the Hun, but I know a fascist when I see one.

If we may quote an expert on the subject:

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”(Benito Mussolini, Encyclopedia Italiana)

Putin: Why Not Price Oil in Euros?

seems like the dollar (and the U.S. for that matter) is going to have a not-so-bright future. once OPEC countries + Russia start trading in Euros, the dollar, and the U.S. will lose alot of influence in world affairs.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Chavez Presented Over 3,000 Titles as Part of Venezuela’s Urban Land Reform

We need to leave behind us the horrendous capitalist system that has been installed here, by those who attempted to dominate the people and to throw them into poverty. This is why we are here, to put an end to this,” said Chavez.

According to a land survey conducted in 1989, over 60% of the country’s land is owned by less than 1% of the country’s population.

excellent move Chavez!

the poor and the oppressed will win in the end!

EU presses US to follow suit, after Russia ratifies Kyoto

"but..but...it hurts our business!!!" (weep, weep...) - U.S. government

US could shoot down EU satellites if used by foes in wartime: report

which, in essence, goes to show that U.S. weaponization of space (N.M.D. + S.D.I.) has nothing to do with defense, and all with offense. The U.S. wants to be the only power with weapons in space, which would guarantee them first-strike capability (in minutes) agbainst ANY country in the world...

The "War on Terror" as Defined by 1984's Emmanuel Goldstein

could it be that "al-Qaeda" today is the same as Emmanuel Goldstein in George Orwell's 1984??

Friday, October 22, 2004


truth is, kerry is not far different from bush. both want war. both want to please israel. both believe in american supremacy over world affairs.

you want change? vote nader!

Would you consider going to Venezuela for your vacation this winter?

just because venezuela is against western neo-liberal capitalism, the greedy rich look for so many ways to demonize it. like in this case, saying venezuela is an unsafe place for tourism...

america itself is much more unsafe than venezuela.

fire the liars!!!

peace, love

Thursday, October 21, 2004


soooo...not only are you guys (U.S. + U.K.) killing innocent civilians...you're killing you're own soldiers as well as members of your "coalition" as well....


Paradise Cleansed

here's a video with John Pilger on how Diego Garcia (a U.S.-U.K. military base) was stripped of its indigeneous population....

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Cheney: Terrorists May Bomb U.S. Cities

The biggest threat we face now as a nation is the possibility of terrorists ending up in the middle of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us — biological agents or a nuclear weapon or a chemical weapon of some kind to be able to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans," Cheney said.

"That's the ultimate threat. For us to have a strategy that's capable of defeating that threat, you've got to get your mind around that concept," Cheney said.

Cheney, speaking to an invitation-only crowd as he began a bus tour through Republican strongholds in Ohio, said Kerry is trying to convince voters he would be the same type of "tough, aggressive" leader as President Bush (news - web sites) in the fight against terrorism.

"I don't believe it," the vice president said. "I don't think there's any evidence to support the proposition that he would, in fact, do it."

say dick, you ARE really desperate for an attack aren't you?? then maybe cancel the elections, declare a state of emergency, and make the U.S. become a total dictatorship under Fuehrer Bush? is that the plan??

American Multinational Firms Stealing Iraqi Grain Seeds

When the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) celebrates biodiversity on World Food Day on October 16, Iraqi farmers will be mourning its loss.

A new report [1] by GRAIN and Focus on the Global South has found that new legislation in Iraq has been carefully put in place by the US that prevents farmers from saving their seeds and effectively hands over the seed market to transnational corporations. This is a disastrous turn of events for Iraqi farmers, biodiversity and the country's food security. While political sovereignty remains an illusion, food sovereignty for the Iraqi people has been made near impossible by these new regulations. "

The US has been imposing patents on life around the world through trade deals. In this case, they invaded the country first, then imposed their patents. This is both immoral and unacceptable", said Shalini Bhutani, one of the report's authors. , one of the report's authors.

say WHAT??? the iraqis are no longer allowed to choose what seeds they can and cannot plant?!?!?!?!?! what the hell??

The U.S. is really not interested in seeing a peaceful iraq...what essentially is happening is dividing and conquering (a la UK style), and plundering and running (like vikings), all for the sole profit of U.S. companies.

It truly is sad to see what the rich West is doing to the poor...

But the poor and the oppressed will be victorious in the end!!!!!!!

VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While The Us Takes A Step Backward In Media Reform, Venezuela Advances

The current battle in the U.S. over media concentration and regulation shares much in common with the present conflict in Venezuela. Should broadcasters be allowed to air partisan politics without showing the other side? Are the airwaves in the public domain? Should media serve equally majority and minority interests? Should children be protected from violent and raunchy programming? These are all issues that media reform movements in the U.S. and Venezuela are tackling. Unfortunately, the FCC’s ruling in the Sinclair issue demonstrates a step backward in media reform. Fortunately, the advances in the passage of the Media Reform Law in Venezuela show a step forward.

the U.S. is according to some people, the leading democracy in the world....my ASS!

Khalid Jarrar and his views on the situation in Iraq

I hope that you all are fine, and that your day was good this far.Ramadan started, I love this month, teaches you patience, self control and discipline, and you loose weight, and best of all, its a booster for your faith, a lot of quran, a lot of praying, in Ramadan you can smell religion in air, everything looks so pure and peaceful, all people try to be nicer to each other...Besides the regular 5 prayers a day, we have an extra long prayer, lasts for about an hour everyday, it refreshes your soul, and fills your heart with peace and serenity.peace and serenity?

GOD knows how much we need them...few days ago, a bit before 5 am, a land mine exploded few meters away from our house...the explosion was so strong, 10 windows fall in our house, and dad broke number 11 while he was trying to fix the aluminum frame of the window, which used to be rectangular, but its a dome now.my bed is right in front of the window, and my head is in the window side, my head is about one foot away from the window, which fell immediately after the explosion, the curtain and the enforcement we made for the window earlier saved me, probably saved my life, thank GOD.

the sound of the explosion lasted for at least two or three seconds after I woke up, each second was, believe me, as long as a whole minute, during the first second I tried to keep my body as flat as possible to avoid the glass shrapnel, and at the same time I was praying just to survive till the next second only, when I made it to the next second I was relieved, I was hoping to make it to the next second and started to think where the rest of the family is, as soon as it was over I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, me mom and dad met there at the same time, when I found that they are safe I went back to sleep at once, it was obvious that its a close explosion, and that we are all safe, what else is there to discuss? I went back to sleep.as soon as I reached my bed, dad called us, come come see what happened!!
we ran towards him...

we found that most of the windows were broken, and since the explosion was so close, we didn't only receive the air/sound pressure, but also all the sand in area, inside our house, it was a mess.three doors are damaged, one of them is a metal door, it was twisted, and I can barely close it now.my neighbor next door was sleeping on the roof, the poor guy chose the wrong day, he is safe, but he says that a tank passed by the mine when it exploded, and eye witnesses said that at least three soldiers were killed, of course since no media were there, the accident wasn't mentioned by the American side.I went out next day in the morning, I saw everything, and I found a helmet of an American soldier on the ground, covered with blood, and punched from one of the sides, his name is written on it.I stood there watching it.

I felt sad for him, and I thought that somewhere 1000 miles away, one wife become a widow, one child became and orphan, a girl friend, a best friend, so many people, lost a beloved one, and they don't even know about it.next moment I remember that he is one of the occupation army, the army that is still killing my people everyday.but then I couldn't think of anything but the blood, its the same I have in my body, he is a human just like me.then I started to blame him, for coming to Iraq, for joining the army, and tried to hold him responsibility for what happened to him...but then I thought: he probably doesn't want to be here as much as I don't want him to be here, if he found a better job, another way to get a scholarship, another way to get a green card, whatever, he would have not come for sure:(
Bush, grrrrrrrrr..I was so angry.

I took pictures for everything.
yesterday we sent someone to Falluja, to see how the situation is there.he is from Falluja originally, and he goes there often, but this Time when he went he came back depressed, although he is in his twenties or early thirties, he had a drop in blood pressure and went to the hospital.he said that he never saw the city like that, "its a ghosts city" he said, families, women and children left the city and they are hiding in the open fields because they are too afraid to get back to their houses...

there isn't a single shop opened, men are preparing their weapons and ammo to defend their city, everyone in Falluja says the same thing: we invite the goverment, anyone, to come make a full search to see if this Zarqawi exists.the city is surrounded from all sides, and its being bombed from all sides, beside the air crafts.13 mosques have been set to the ground in Falluja and Ramadi, the most famous restaurant in Falluja, Hajji Hussein, who makes the best Kabab in the country, was set to the ground too, people make jokes and say that Azzarqawi must have been having lunch there, some laugh for that, but I cry.

its one of the ugliest mass murder cases that happened, in Falluja, and will happen again soon, and you will read about it, and the whole world will read about it, and no one will do anything about it, cause you all believe that Big foot, Santa or Azzarqawi is hiding somewhere isnt hat small city, and you all are ready to sacrifice the lives of women and children, of a whole city, to see if that is right or not.there will be one day when the American administration will understand that violence only makes more violence, and that people will never stay in their house waiting to be killed, they prefer to die fighting, they are gonna die anyway right?my friend who I sent to Falluja went to the hospital of Falluja, and found a unspeakable situation, the hospital is run by volunteers, they lack medicine and instruments, dead bodies are crowded to the point they don't know what to do with it, injured people numbers are way over the hospital capacity, and the few ambulance cars they had, most of them were attacked by the occupation forces and destroyed, my friend told me that in the hospital they have to clean the ground every now and then to allow people to walk through the blood.the following are medical equipments urgently needed, this list is from a doctor in the hospital, they used to have some of these equipment and machines but they were in the ambulance cars, and were distroyed with them.

I urge everyone of you to make all you can to provide us with any medical equipments, and specially these in the list, I cant read them all, I cant understand them all, but I will write what I understand till I ask a doctor to read the rest for me:they need:

4 D.C shock machines4 cautery machinesas much as possible of : tracheostomy tubesair way tubesendotracheal tubesI will check with a doctor as soon as possible, and correct the mistakes, and add the items I couldn't read, you know how doctors write inscriptions, no one can read them.please...


"Now and Then"- Part 1

Compare what happened in Germany in the 1930's with what is currently happening in the U.S.

Marines Vent Frustration in Western Iraq

"We are losing guys left and right," says Cpl. Cody King, 20, of Phoenix, not hiding his anger. "All we are doing around here is getting blown up."

SOLUTION: Get the hell out of Iraq, apologize to the world, and stay within your own borders!!!!! It was an unjust, and an illegal invasion based on lies anyway.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Raed Jarrar on the situation in Iraq

Asking children to come near the tanks in a war zone like Iraq is a cowardly and irresponsible thing to do, and it is a good move to stop allowing such interactions to happen. The days of putting smiley masks on the soldiers' faces are over.aren't they?

didn't everyone know that this war is not the war of freedom and WMD?everyone except bush and his administration.

many interesting things happened this week. Ramadan is really calm and quiet in Amman, unlike the one in Iraq obviously. The U.S. forces, without sweets this time, are planning to attack 20, yes 20, towns and cities to liberate them again. How come no one hears about the cities when they are, hmmmm, de-liberated(?), but we discover just like this that the U.S. army is starting another liberation war.What are they going to call it this time? The war on Iraqis?

The Great Unraveling of U.S. Global Power

The Pirates believe they hold the trump card: half the world's military under one, super-tech command. It is a blunt instrument, with a narrow range of uses. The real bomb ticks under America's porch, and will devastate the dollar in a spasm of millions of individual and institutional decisions to run in the other direction.

Stability is what attracted the world's capital to the United States. Now, the Bush men have transformed the U.S. into a dreadful engine of instability. The Pirates scream threats at the snow bank on top of the mountain. Delusional, they will be amazed when it comes down on top of us.

The U.S. in its ignorance, greed and arrogance is causing its own downfall.

Towering Inferno In Caracas

Neighbors of the 56-story, 730-foot office tower were allowed to return to their residential buildings in downtown Caracas' Parque Central complex Sunday afternoon, but firefighters expected to work through the night to extinguish the last flames and keep them from spreading.

The blaze began before midnight Saturday on the 34th floor of the East Tower in the complex, Briceno said. By Sunday afternoon, it had burned for more 17 hours and spread over 26 floors, reaching the roof. The complex was built in 1976 and is considered a Caracas landmark.

take into consideration, this building was weaker than the WTC, and burned for 17 HOURS, and the fire covered 26 FLOORS and it didn't collapse...

and then take into consideration all of the faked "Al-Qaeda" videos...the official version of 9-11 is a complete lie.

wake up people!!!!!!!!

peace, love

Operation Desert Fraud: How Keith Idema marketed his imaginary Afghan war.

In January 2002, As U.S. Forces in Afghanistan were hunting down Al Qaeda suspects, the CBS news show 60 Minutes II got its hands on some sensational footage: seven hours’ worth of videotape showing Al Qaeda terrorists training in an Afghan camp. The source of the tapes, a former U.S. Special Forces soldier named Jonathan Keith Idema—known familiarly as Keith—was more than a little dubious.

He was, in addition, a serial litigator who had once sued CBS. But the tape’s content—featuring masked men in a bullet-scarred compound training to assassinate and kidnap world leaders—proved a TV producer’s dream.

Special Forces soldiers, other journalists, and Army Intelligence immediately questioned the tapes’ authenticity. Tracy-Paul Warrington, formerly a chief warrant officer with U.S. Special Forces who now advises American police forces on counterterrorism, says the tapes are not an intimate look at anything—except clumsy military playacting. “Eighty-five percent of terrorists’ attacks in the last decade have been bombings,” Warrington says. “In this film we see raids. This was a method that went out in the seventies, when Idema was in the Army. I was looking at seven hours of tape of something that Al Qaeda doesn’t do.” Another retired Special Forces soldier, and a longtime acquaintance of Keith Idema’s, contacted CIA sources and learned the agency had similar concerns about the tapes’ authenticity.The CIA ran voice analysis on the tapes and concluded they were staged,” he says, adding that the agency didn’t publicize its findings because it “didn’t want to waste its time on someone it considered harmless.”


so, the "Al-Qaeda" tapes were faked after all...just like the fat "bin laden" on his "confession" video...

see next post...

Monday, October 18, 2004

Zarqawi, Zarqawi, Zarqawi: An Engineered Excuse for Killing Iraqis

It’s now obvious: the United States will continue to use Abu Musab al-Zarqawi—dead, alive, or fictional—as a pretext to bomb Fallujah and punish its citizens for the crime of resisting Allawi’s puppet government (called the “interim” government by the corporate press) and the U.S. occupation, even though a U.S. military intelligence report issued last week revealed that al-Zarqawi is not nor has he ever been in Fallujah.

"tell a lie, repeat it over and over, and people will start believing it..."
zarqawi has been dead for several months already...

Saturday, October 16, 2004

US beefs up military presence in Colombia and threatens Venezuela

...seems like the U.S. didn't like the fact that the Chavez government legitimately increased tariffs on foreign oil companies from 1% to 16.6%...

shows you what the real motives of U.S. foreign policy is...


A Serious Joke

A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog. He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl" The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl'" - the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" - says the man. "Oh, what are you then?" The man says: - "I am a Pakistani!" The next day newspapers read: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog" !!

The making of the terror myth

Much of the currently perceived threat from international terrorism, the series argues, "is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It is a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services, and the international media." The series' explanation for this is even bolder: "In an age when all the grand ideas have lost credibility, fear of a phantom enemy is all the politicians have left to maintain their power."

Maybe, just maybe (hint hint wink wink), Al-Qaeda could be the Emmanuel Goldstein as described in George Orwell's 1984...

Police fire pepper shot to break up Bush protest

Oh isn't it wonderful to live in a "free" country where you can "freely" express your views...

---"I don't think I moved fast enough," said Swaney. "I can't believe this happens in the United States. It was very peaceful. I think this is the way tyranny begins."---

Shells From Syria Fired at Troops in Iraq

...and the Poles attacked the Germans to start the WW2, right? And the North Vietnamese attacked U.S.S. Maddox, right? And the Finns opened fire on the Russians at Mainila in 1939, right?

WHO really wants to invade Syria? Why would Syrians attack the U.S. troops? Surely that would lead to an invasion. The Syrians want no invasion, but the U.S. and Israel do...
You just gotta ask..."who benefits?"

Friday, October 15, 2004

Stealing Diego Garcia

an article on how the U.S. and the U.K. "sweeped and sanitized", in other words, threw the indigeneous population out of their native lands.

(well, that has been typical U.S.-British policy throughout the years...unfortunately)

you will never find this information in the corporate controlled media...

Knappster: Voter registration fraud linked to GOP operation

Two employees of VOA say they personally witnessed the managers of the company removing and destroying the voter registration forms of those who signed up as Democrats. The registration forms of Democrats were ripped into shreds and tossed into the garbage. The employees managed to retrieve some of the shredded papers from the garbage and handed them over to this reporter. The forms were completely filled out and were signed by people who thought their registrations would be filed with the county Election Department. That didn't happen.

County election chief Larry Lomax confirmed that all three of the shredded registration forms I showed to him had never been filed with the county. What's more, the people who filled out and signed the forms were surprised and angry when informed that their registrations had been sent not to the Election Department, but to a wastepaper basket instead. In addition to the ripped forms, the employees showed me a dozen or more registration receipts that had been tossed away, instead of being handed over to the people who signed the forms. Without those receipts, the voters would show up at the polls on Election Day and would have no proof whatsoever that they had ever registered. They would not be allowed to vote, and it would be too late to do anything about it.

the U.S. presidential elections in November will be a fraud...
seems like its going to be one big mess.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Zarqawi Is Not In Fallujah, Nor Has He Ever Been There

"make up a lie, repeat it many times, and soon the people will believe it."
"oh what good it is for the government that the people do not think."
-Adolf Hitler

besides, zarqawi has a wooden leg, and has been reported killed long time ago...

Israel 'worried over world image'

...It is a fact of life that if you go around bombing other people's countries, running assassination squads, tricking one country into attacking another, waving nuclear weapons in all directions, attacking the ships of your "friend", sponging money off of everyone that comes near, and violating numerous United Nations resolutions, people are going to talk about you in less than flattering terms!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Israeli Army Chief 'Emptied His Magazine' at Girl in Gaza

not only did that happen...
israel has recently admitted that they no longer want to see a palestinian state...

who wants peace and who doesn't???

U.N. agency: Nuclear materials vanish in Iraq

hey, i got an idea...
lets spread around rumours that these were somehow "shipped" to Iran and pretend they"really" needed it for their "suspiciuos activity". then lets use that as a reason to "justify" war against the "evil" Iran.
how does that sound, Mark Dayton?

just one little question to the U.S. ...why the hell did you block any UN/IAEA from monitoring equipment???
perhaps you are just looking for a reason to go to war....you know, those famous old lies that we have heard for over 3 years already...

Why not eat children?

Schröder's reforms are a delusionary reversal of the relation between economy and society. Justice and democracy are sacrificed on the altar of a mythical market presented, like the gods of an ancient religion, as a force outside society instead of a creation of it. They are a political choice dressed up as a market necessity.

Of course, some social options are not available under any economic system. It would be utopian to raise hopes of what simply cannot be. But Germany's choices are not of this type. All periods of high German economic growth coincided with large-scale social provision. Indeed, growth under the welfare state, at 240% from 1950-1970, has never been equalled. Another Germany is entirely possible, under three conditions. Society must get what it genuinely wants; economic policy must deliver this; and political alliances must carry these policies out.

neo-liberal reforms have destroyed many countries already...
argentina was one recent example.

If poverty-racked Venezuela can apply a different economic model right next door to the centre of US military operations in the continent - in Colombia - then so can wealthy Germany, Europe and Japan, and so, for that matter, can the US


give to the needy, don't take away from them!!!!!!

peace, love, JUSTICE

the mysterious pentagon plane

lots of unanswered questions arise when studuying the events of 9-11...

are we soon about to experience yet another reichstag fire (in the days leading to Nov. 2 elections) to justify an attack on iran?? (just like 9-11 "justified" the attacks on afghanistan and iraq, wars that were planned before 9-11)

on their own website "newamericancentury.org", the neo-cons themselves admitted (in 2000), that the process of rebuilding americas defences (-aka global dominance) would be a long one, absent a catastrophic, catalysmic event such as a new Pearl Harbor would occur...


peace, love

Chavez Announces that Venezuela will Raise Oil Production Royalties

The new income due to the increase in royalties would go straight towards social programs. “This is going straight to the state because this is the money of the people and it is to be distributed among the neediest,” said Chavez.

Thanks Chavez!!

Finally the rich pay more so the poor may gain!