
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Feur Frei!!!! BAM! BAM!!!

sticks and stones may break my bones....

this is a well done animation using only letters and numbers!!

Biased U.S. media ranting lies about Venezuela...

The Miami Herald has proven its inability to do any fair reporting whatsoever...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal

As for the defenders, those Iraqis who resist in a city that heroically defied Saddam Hussein; they were merely “insurgents holed up in the city”, as if they were an alien body, a lesser form of life to be “flushed out” (the British Guardian): a suitable quarry for “rat-catchers”, which is the term another BBC reporter told us the Black Watch use.

In a letter sent on October 14 to Kofi Annan, the Fallujah Shura Council, which administers the city, said: “The people of Fallujah assure you that this person, if he exists, is not in Fallujah . . . and we have no links to any groups supporting such inhuman behaviour. We appeal to you to urge the UN [to prevent] the new massacre which the Americans and the puppet government are planning to start soon in Fallujah, as well as many parts of the country.”
Not a word of this was reported in the mainstream media in Britain and the US.

and what baffles me is the ignorance of americans, when they ask people why america is so hated...

a new system is possible.

a multi-polar world with no one sole superpower.
that would give the world (a bit more of) a balance.

NICARAGUA: Sandinistas make big comeback

awww.....everyone seems to go against america these days....

doesn't look too rosy for america these days.....

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Is America heading toward fascism?

It sure is...

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Frias proposed for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize

I signed the petition!!!

Chavez for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VIVA CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Welcome to Your Colony

aHA...so THIS is how Plan Colombia is designed to work!

"Weapons that sometimes fall, accidentally, into one rural community or another, or into some group of children playing soccer in the middle of the jungle."

"closure and/or privatization of public hospitals "

"the fact that 64 percent of poor children under the age of seven have no access to preschool"

"industrial conglomerates that are so good at exploiting our natural resources."

"the “private justice” vigilante groups which have appeared here and in other cities, made up of the members of elite families who violently “clean” the streets of homeless children and other undesirables"

"glyphosate kills the fish in the rivers, causes illness in entire communities, and even affects those same alternative development crops"


you, yes YOU, you WILL (whack whack) DO AS WE (kick) TELL (whack) YOU (kick, whack)!!

The A-B-C of Popular Revolt, Or, How They Got Rid of a Tyrant in Bolivia

power to the PEOPLE!!!!!! (not multinational corporations!)

Forsyth joins impeach Blair call


FIRE THE DAMN LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004 U.S. presidential election controversy

isn't it funny that colin powell is dismissing the Ukrainian elections as manipulated, while ignoring the fact that the U.S. vote itself was clearly manipulated?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Spain's Caracas ambassador had received instructions to support coupsters

which goes to show what a crony, rotten scumbag Jose Maria Aznar was. (just like dubya, bliar, and mafioso berlusconi)

phony Tony and Mafioso Berlusconi must also be voted out of office.

fire the liars!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

follow the phony trail





GROUP #1: MUSLIM TERRORISTS seeking to avenge U.S. policies in the middle east..


GROUP #2: ZIONIST TERRORISTS seeking to frame their enemies as a pretext for involving the US in a war against Arab/Muslim states.


Which leads us to……



We know this because Bin Laden strongly denied any involvement in 9-11 and suggested that the Zionists were behind it. (1) It is widely believed throughout the Arab and Muslim world (and even much of Europe) that Israeli and U.S. elements staged 9-11 as a pretext for a war against the Islamic world.

The Zionists and the U.S. scoff at this idea and insist that Muslim terrorists carried out 9-11.


Which leads us to…….



Given that both Group 1 or Group 2 would be in serious trouble if it were discovered to be responsible for 9-11, and given the fact that each group blames the other, we would therefore expect the true culprit to attempt to divert the investigation towards the innocent group and away from itself. This trick is as old as crime itself. As surely as night follows day, a phony evidence trail would had to have surfaced following the 9-11 operation.




By simply reversing the direction to which the phony trail points towards, we can logically deduce who the true culprits were. Whichever group has phony-looking evidence directed towards it must therefore be the innocent group. Find the phony trail and you will find the guilty party.




A few weeks before 9-11, Israeli Mossad officials flew to the U.S. and met with leaders of the FBI and CIA. The Mossad claimed that a major terrorist attack was imminent and that the culprits would be Osama Bin Laden and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein. They gave no other details.(2)

2. After the attacks, there were widely publicized reports that the government had a tape recording of Bin laden calling his mother just a few days before the attacks and telling her: "Something big is about to happen and you won‘t be hearing from me for a while." This claim was broadcast repeatedly on every news network and convinced many people that Bin Laden was indeed guilty. Weeks later, CNN corrected itself and revealed that the story turned out to be baseless. Although the story is now UNIVERSALLY repudiated by even the mainstream media, far fewer people ever heard the repudiation than did the original hyped-up claim. (3)

3. Hours after the attacks, investigators received a report of a suspicious car left behind at Boston’s Logan Airport by a group of belligerent Arabs. Inside the car, investigators find an Arab language flight manual. (4) HOW CONVENIENT!

4. Investigators then find a suitcase supposedly "forgotten" by Mohammed Atta, "ringleader" of the suicide hijackers (why would someone pack a suitcase for a suicide mission?) Inside the suitcase they find a Koran, a fuel consumption calculator, a suicide note, and more Arab flight manuals. (5) HOW CONVENIENT!

5. At the crashsite in Pennsylvania, investigators find an incriminating letter written by one of the hijackers. (6) The destruction at the crash site was so complete that the largest piece of human remains found was an 8-inch piece of spine. (7) Yet the letter survived the awesome crash and incineration unscathed. HOW CONVENIENT!

6. Days after the attacks, a slightly burned passport belonging to one of the "Saudi hijackers" is miraculously found just a few blocks away from the rubble of the World Trade Center. (8) HOW CONVENIENT!

7. FBI Director Mueller even admitted that identity thefts were used in connection with 9-11. (9) As many as 7 of the 19 "Arab hijackers" are alive and well and some had reported their passports stolen in 1999. (10)

8. Weeks after 9-11, Anthrax letters killed 5 people. The wording of the letters was designed to implicate Muslims. "Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great" It has long since been established that the anthrax came from a US army lab and was not mailed by Muslims. (11)

9. The Zionist run Pentagon claimed to have found a "confession video" from Osama Bin Laden. How convenient that the man who was clever enough to pull off 9-11 would suddenly become so careless and leave a self - incriminating video laying around Afghanistan. Independent translations of the barely audible video later exposed the US translation as "manipulative and inaccurate" (12). Other analyses of the video raises even more questions of fraud and doctoring.

10. It is then revealed that investigators also found a business card belonging to one of the hijackers at the Pennsylvania crash site. On the back of this miraculous business card is a telephone number linking one of the hijackers to the "20th hijacker" Zacharias Moussoui. (13) HOW CONVENIENT!

11. Also at the Pennsylvania crash site, another miracle passport belonging to "hijacker pilot" Ziad Jarrah was found. (14) HOW CONVENIENT! Why were these hijackers carrying passports for internal domestic flights anyway?

12. The Friday before the attacks, three loud mouthed, drunken "hijackers" ( Mohammed Atta and the Al-Shehhi brothers) make a memorable scene at a restaurant in Hollywood, Florida. (keep the name Hollywood, Florida in your mind for a moment) The London Telegraph (and many other sources) tells us:

"Mohammed Atta, 33, who almost certainly was the Florida-trained pilot who rammed American Airlines Flight 11 into the north tower of the World Trade Centre, his cousin Marwan al-Shehhi, 23, and an Arab believed to be a brother of al-Shehhi, appeared to have been in a bibulous celebratory mood last week.

Tony Amos, the manager of Shuckums Oyster Bar and Restaurant in Hollywood (Florida) just north of Miami, was interviewed by the FBI and he and his barman and a waitress all identified Atta and his cousin as some hard drinkers who propped up the bar last Friday.

Atta's bill for three hours of vodka drinking came to $48 (£33). When he drunkenly disputed the charge, Mr Amos intervened. "Of course I can pay the bill," Atta told him. "I'm an airline pilot." (emphasis added) (15)

Devout fundamentalist Muslim "martyrs" drinking vodka for three hours? And notice how "Mohammed Atta" purposely goes out of his way to tell the manager he was "an airline pilot". This is very similar to the way in which he purposely told his flight school instructor he was "leaving for Boston".

13. The night before the attacks, three loud-mouthed "hijackers" (one of them again being the "ringleader" Mohammed Atta) visited a Florida strip club where they again cause a scene and make a deliberate point of telling people about a pending terror attack. They then conveniently "forget" yet another Koran at the bar! CBS News reported on September 14, 2001:

"The three men spewed anti-American sentiments in a bar and talked of impending bloodshed the night before the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, a Daytona Beach strip club manager interviewed by the FBI said Thursday."

"They were talking about what a bad place America is. They said 'Wait 'til tomorrow. America is going to see bloodshed,"' said John Kap, manager of the Pink Pony and Red Eyed Jack's Sports Bar. Kap said they made the claims to a bartender and a patron. …."Kap said he told FBI investigators the men in his bar spent $200 to $300 apiece on lap dances and drinks, paying with credit cards. Kap said he gave the FBI credit card receipts, photocopied driver's licenses, a business card left by one man and a copy of the Quran - the sacred book of Islam - that was left at the bar. (16) (emphasis added)

This one takes the grand prize! Devout, fundamentalist Muslim "martyrs" not only getting drunk, but fondling naked dancers just hours before they were scheduled to meet with God! These highly skilled secret operatives then jeopardize their mission by drawing attention to themselves while publicly bashing America and boasting about pending bloodshed, to take place the following day? And what on earth were they doing in Florida instead of Boston the eve of 9-11 anyway? Didn’t they realize that if either of their two early morning connecting flights (first to Maine, and then to Boston) were a bit delayed the next morning, their whole operation would have been at risk? And finally, they oh-so-conveniently forget their business cards and Koran at the bar!

This Mohammed Atta character sure is an absent-minded fellow isn’t he? He "loses" his passport in 1999, he "forgets" how to speak German when his flight school instructor tries to make small talk with him (see Chapter 11 ), he "forgets’ his suitcase before the 9-11 attacks (or perhaps he remembered at the last moment that he wasn’t going to need a suitcase for a suicide mission! ), he "forgets" a Koran in a Florida strip club, and then "forgets" yet another Koran in Boston, and also "forgets" his Arabic language flight manual and "forgets" his fuel consumption calculator! How did this guy ever get to be an electrical engineer?

My dear reader- no disrespect intended- but if you can’t see through these little stunts as the obvious work of a team of "false flag" imposters, then you are either truly stupid or willfully blind. So who, if not Mohammed Atta and his friends, could these drunken, womanizing, Koran-toting, "Muslims" in Florida actually have been? An excellent May 7, 2002 story written by Christopher Ketcham of Salon Magazine provides a clue. Ketcham writes about the Israeli "art student" spy ring that was uncovered in 2001. In an article entitled "The Israeli Art Student Mystery", Ketcham informs us:

"For almost two years, hundreds of young Israelis falsely claiming to be art students haunted federal offices...... No one knows why -- and no one seems to want to find out.

"In HOLLYWOOD, (Florida) several students lived at 4220 Sheridan St., just down the block from the 3389 Sheridan St. apartment where terrorist mastermind Mohammed Atta holed up with three other Sept. 11 plotters. Many of the students, the DEA report noted, had backgrounds in Israeli military intelligence and/or electronics surveillance; one was the son of a two-star Israeli general, and another had served as a bodyguard to the head of the Israeli army. (emphasis added) 17

Need I connect these dots for you too, or are you now seeing the picture? How appropriate that these Israeli actors should stage their stunts in a town called "Hollywood"!

These are just a few of the highly suspect pieces of ‘evidence" that have turned up in the wake of 9-11. ON THE OTHER HAND, Nothing resembling such a phony, transparent, and ridiculous trail has been found to point towards Israelis and Zionists. No jewish skullcaps left behind at the airport, no jewish Torahs found in "forgotten" suitcases, no six-pointed Stars of David found at crash sites, no mysterious videos of rabbis taking credit for 9-11, no Israeli passports turning up at the WTC or other crash sites, etc.





Zionists and allies within the U.S. government carried out 9-11 and the anthrax mailings. They then planted a phony evidence trail designed to frame Arabs/Muslims. Is there any other logical explanation?

Anti-Semitism you say? Then perhaps you prefer to hear it from a jewish scholar instead. In an article entitled: The Zionist Roots of the War on Terror, Dr. Henry Makow, (inventor of the board game Scruples) writes:

"Until recently I accepted Israel's self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of blood thirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous. But what if, unknown to most people, including Israelis, the world's power elite were using Israel to advance their plan for New World Order?……. Israel's image of vulnerability is a ruse. Israel has always planned to become the dominant power in the region, and "invented dangers" in order to dupe its citizens and provoke wars. ……The Mossad’s fingerprints are all over 9-11.(emphasis added) (18)

According to Abe Foxman’s and the ADL’s dubious logic, Makow must therefore be a "self-hating" jew.

The US has become drunk on the cup of vengeance, arrogance, and terror


The US has become drunk on the cup of vengeance, arrogance, and terror. The definition of terror is the killing of innocent lives to further political ends. The dropping of five hundred pound bombs in Iraqi towns has eliminated any argument that the US has not engaged in pure terrorism.


i totally agree.


*The soul of humanity and the possibility of a healthier, more peaceful, world in our lifetime is at stake.

Remember, the vast majority of the world's people are on our side, the side of peace, self-determination, and basic justice.

i'm with you!

Monday, November 22, 2004

The 2004 October Surprise Video is fake!

well, taking into consideration, that the U.S. government has lied about everything so far, i wouldn't be surprised if they did actually fake bin laden tapes.

after all, a scapegoat must be needed to coverup crimes no?

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Denver Post: Venezuelan faces up to 65 years behind bars in visa swindle

but when Mossad agents get caught with false passports (usually faked canadian passports) in various countries of operation, they are just quietly shipped back to israel....

US government implicated in the assassination of Danilo Anderson?

wouldn't surprise me at all...the U.S. loves to meddle into other countries internal affairs.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Funny maps regarding the U.S. elections

i had a good laugh here!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Marines shoot wounded prisoners in Fallujah mosque

immoral bastards...

Saturday, November 13, 2004

U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11

the U.S. government is GUILTY!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tanks on L.A. streets

welcome to police state USA!

National Security State

here's a video on U.S. covert op's...

Shut up! Shut up! Turn off his mike!

this is a must see video. a 9/11 victims son on an intterview with Fox News' O'Reilly!!!

Allawi shot inmates in cold blood, say witnesses

here's something for the pro-Allawi people...

he is just a cruel U.S. puppet serving U.S. needs...

US ready to put weapons in space

Defence expert says America is likely to ignore treaty ban

America has begun preparing its next military objective - space. Documents reveal that the US Air Force has for the first time adopted a doctrine to establish 'space superiority'.

The new doctrine means that pre-emptive strikes against enemy satellites would become 'crucial steps in any military operation'. This week defence experts will attend a conference in London amid warnings that President Bush's re-election will pave the way to the arming of space.

Internal USAF documents reveal that seizing control of the 'final frontier' is deemed essential for modern warfare. Counterspace Operations reveals that destroying enemy satellites would improve the chance of victory. It states: 'Space superiority provides freedom to attack as well as freedom from attack. Space and air superiority are crucial first steps in any military operation.'

the U.S. is only interested in dominating the world.

The whole "war on terrorism" is a joke. it is there to distract people from what is actually going on.

I suggest people read George Orwell's 1984.

Well, the U.S. will not succeed! They will go down just like every empire has!

peace, love

Global monitors find faults

The global implications of the U.S. election are undeniable, but international monitors at a polling station in southern Florida said Tuesday that voting procedures being used in the extremely close contest fell short in many ways of the best global practices.

The observers said they had less access to polls than in Kazakhstan, that the electronic voting had fewer fail-safes than in Venezuela, that the ballots were not so simple as in the Republic of Georgia and that no other country had such a complex national election system.

The U.S. "democracy" is a farce.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

American Resistance

59 Million Hypnotized Sheep

The United Corporations of America was once more at work, manipulating the emotions of those blinded by the cross and shielded by the flag, playing on their conservative values and beliefs, using their close-mindedness, intolerance and ignorance, their lack of education and knowledge, abusing their homophobia and xenophobia, making them pawns in the game of power and control, for years terrorizing their conditioned fears, brainwashing their minds and deciding their futures. Through a blitzkrieg of deceptions, lies, propaganda and charades 59 million of these easily-manipulated entities – the same kind of people as those who fell into Hitler’s trance-like spell – voted against their own interests, proving once again how easily sheep are led to slaughter.

Hypnotized to the images of 9/11 and to the falsity of George Bush’s image as savior in chief, on November second they voted for war, division, corporations, perpetual violence, ceaseless fear and fictional terror. On that fateful day, tens of millions voted for ignorance and hatred, for vengeance and violence, for segregation, inequality, injustice and for the further decay of the nation they love and the principles they cherish. Fifty-nine million voters, blind to history, ignorant to anything beyond American borders, compressed in fundamentalist religion and deaf to the cries and wisdom of billions of their fellow human beings decided that they preferred lives languishing as slaves and serfs, unwilling to escape the dungeons of ignorance and fear placed at their door by a corporatist government, than to breathe the sweet, crisp air of a world free of corporate domination, sending the world a message that the American Empire was at the mercy of the People, not the People at the mercy of the Empire.

At the end of the day, the sheeple had done what they had been trained to do since the horror of 9/11 and the incessant bombardment of television images that followed. Attaching themselves to the American psyche like deer ticks, sucking all semblance of analytical thinking and cognitive reason, replacing these with irrational paranoia and the Hitler-like hypnosis of eroded free-thinking minds, fear and insecurity thus captured tens of millions of brains and votes for George Bush and the corporatists who own him.

"I'm afraid of Americans" - David Bowie

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Events in Iraq

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The US forces are really serious in their preparations for the attack on Falluja. A hospital has been razed to the ground in one of the heaviest US air raids in the city.

isn't that gorgeous? especially when you hear the voice of a US soldier telling the international media: "The enemy has got a face — it's called Satan. He's in Falluja. We're going to destroy it".


where was Satan hiding Mr. bushy? in the hospital?

Walla, this crap about good and evil is reaching to a new extent...I swear that there is a religious war going on here...

just read this crap, and try to understand what is happening in Falluja...

NEAR FALLUJAH, Iraq, Nov 6 (AFP) - With US forces massing outside Fallujah, 35 marines swayed to Christian rock music and asked Jesus Christ to protect them in what could be the biggest battle since American troops invaded Iraq last year.Men with buzzcuts and clad in their camouflage waved their hands in the air, M-16 assault rifles laying beside them, and chanted heavy metal-flavoured lyrics in praise of Christ late Friday in a yellow-brick chapel.

I wonder if the fighters in Falluja are listening to Islamic rock music.

"You are the sovereign. You're name is holy. You are the pure spotless lamb," a female voice cried out on the loudspeakers as the marines clapped their hands and closed their eyes, reflecting on what lay ahead for them.

I wish I can close my eyes and stop reading this.

Their chaplain, named Horne, told the worshippers they were stationed outside Fallujah to bring the Iraqis "freedom from oppression, rape, torture and murder ... We ask you God to bless us in that effort."

Speaking about murder, torture, rape and oppression... Doesn't that ring a bell?doesn't that ring your chapel bell, Mr. bushy chaplain?

The marines then lined up and their chaplain blessed them with holy oil to protect them. "God's people would be annointed with oil," the chaplain said, as he lightly dabbed oil on the marines' foreheads.

Let's hope they didn't use Iraqi Oil, that would be a total rip off.

on the other hand, the Kooki-heads on this side of the world announced something interesting yesterday too. I think little bush and his 58,056,087 followers can calibrate this with me.

26 respected Saudi University professors sent an open letter to the Iraqi people. These 26 Ph.D. holders are specialized in Islamic science and culture. Their three page letter came in ten main points.

the most interesting two points were a Fatwa that the Iraqi people are Obligated to fight the occupation forces. "It is a must to fight them for each Muslim that has the capability" the letter said. "Jihad is the way of defending yourself, your honor, your land, your oil, your present and your future".

bushy the religious freak is ruling that side, and the religious freaks are ruling this side.I am watching.

Posted by: Raed Jarrar / 1:01 AM


whoa...im speechless!.........


the americans have really lost their sanity now.

and all the sheeples that follow bush....they are being deceived.

seems like the Anti-Christ is at work, deceiving people.

this is sad.

Friday, November 05, 2004

The Rise Of The Fourth Reich

not too many differences between Germany in the 1930's and America today...

Farewell to the Deficit: Venezuela Closes the Year with a Surplus

good thing that venezuela told the IMF not to intervene in venezuelan affairs!!

to get your economy going, you need to do the opposite of what the IMF "suggests"

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

U.S. Elections

doesn't matter what the outcome will be.

skull 'n' bones wins the race

this is a sad day.


hope is arising from South America!

peace, love

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Fourth Empire (America) vs. Orwell

read it for yourself...

not much difference between the two...

Elections in Uruguay

(the article is in spanish)

Tabaré Vázquez became the new president of Uruguay, becoming the first left-wing government to be elected in Uruguay in 170 years.

Bye bye Free Trade Area of the Americas!!

Bye bye influence of Washington D.C. in Uruguay!!

I wish Uruguay a happy future!

peace, love