
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The CDC is producing pandemic influenza to see how to fight it

With the avian flu ready to spread outside of Southeast Asia and possibly create a pandemic, the Center for Disease Control is working to find the virus that could cause it. By mating strain H5N1 -- know as the avian flu or bird flu -- with other influenza viruses, the CDC is hoping to discover the combination that could create a pandemic and, through that, learn how to fight it. Obviously, this makes people nervous, but scientists insist that the work is necessary.

what the hell? to create a pandemic? the avian influenza only rarely transmits to humans, and now they want to combine the H5N1 with other viruses to make the transmission easier. That really doesn't make any sense. Unless they purposefully want to kill a 1/3 of the world's population.

These scientists are also tinkering with the dead "Spanish flu" of 1918, and reactivating it, bringing it to labs in both London and Washington.

Evil world with evil politicians and evil scientists... sad state of affairs no?

Tsunami funds unaccounted

"Billions and billions and billions of dollars have already been poured into responding to the tsunami but only one part of it ... can be in any way accounted for at this stage," Mr Wright said.

"Nobody to the best of my knowledge, really has the faintest idea what's actually been given or what it's all going to do."

so where has all the money gone to? corrupt politicians and the U.S. army (who by the way is building itself a base in Banda Aceh, Indonesia)?

Not enough evidence to charge marine in point-blank Fallujah shooting

WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US marine, captured on film killing a wounded Iraqi at point blank range during November's assault on Fallujah, will not be formally charged due to lack of evidence.

The November 13 shooting occurred during a search of a mosque in a widely broadcast incident that sparked worldwide outrage and was described by the International Committee of the Red Cross as a demonstration of "utter contempt for humanity."

In the incident, a trooper raised his rifle and shot point blank at an apparently unarmed, wounded Iraqi who was slumped against one of the mosque walls, in footage captured by an embedded cameraman working for the NBC network.

what the hell is the U.S. justice system all about?????

point blank shooting IN FRONT OF A CAMERA and the guy goes free for LACK OF EVIDENCE??????

lynndie england sodomizing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, and gets lots of charges dropped..

then with no evidence they pinpoint arabs for the 9/11 inside job...

strange times we live in...

Monday, February 21, 2005

Venezuela's Chavez Accuses U.S. Government of Considering his Assassination

"Don’t make the mistake Mr. Bush, of ordering my assassination, because you will regret it. Be assured that this people will make you regret it. Not only this people, but many others around the world, because the time of cowards is over, Mr. Bush, because in this era we are living, peoples are rising everywhere, and there is no imperialism however powerful they are or believe they are, that could stop the awakening of the peoples that is occurring at the beginning of the 21st century," he added.

The Venezuelan leader has criticized U.S. military interventions throughout the world, and its alleged lack of commitment to policies that would prevent radical environmental changes. Today he went on to say that U.S. government advisers and planners are "not only planning the death of the world, but are executing it. They are killing the world, our world, and our grandchildren's world ," he said.

Chavez, I wish you a long life!!!!!
My hat is off to you!
The world needs more leaders like you!


Prosecutors Reduce Charges Against England

so....a cruel and evil bitch who abused prisoners and humiliating them sexually gets an easy trial...

put the bitch behind bars for the rest of her damn life!!!!

Chavez to suspend oil exports to US in case of assassination attempt

"potentially unstable country in 2005" - a moron U.S. official...

just what i have been predicting...there will be an assasination attempt on Chavez this year (or sometime in the near future), and the U.S. government and George Bush will be the ones to blame...


CARACAS (AFP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened to suspend oil exports to the United States if someone tries to assassinate him, adding that US President George W. Bush would be to blame.

"If they kill me, there will be a really guilty party on this planet whose name is the president of the United States, George Bush," Chavez said on his weekly radio program, "Hello, Mr. President."

"If, by the hand of the devil, those perverse plans succeed ... forget about Venezuelan oil, Mr. Bush," he said.

Chavez said he was convinced that Washington was "sketching out the assassination plans" before his Bolivarian Revolution advances in Venezuela and Latin America.

Chavez revealed a week ago that Cuban President Fidel Castro had warned him of a US assassination plot.

"Now, I am going to say it. Neither Fidel Castro nor I talk nonsense.

"If something happens to me, I blame the president of the United States," he said.

"I will not hide. I am going to be in the streets with you. I entrust myself to God, but I know that I have been condemned to die," Chavez said.

"Each second of my life I will spend in the struggle and God's will be done," he said.

Castro said on February 12: "If Chavez is assassinated, the blame will fall on Bush.

"I say that as someone who has survived hundreds of the empire's (assassination) plans," he said.

Chavez has also recently accused the United States of being involved in an April 2002 coup, which removed him from power for less than two days.

Washington has accused Chavez of being undemocratic especially when it comes to the Venezuelan opposition, and has more recently criticized arms purchases from Russia and Brazil.

Venezuela is the only Latin American member of the Organization of the Petroleum Producing Countries, and sells about 1.5 million barrels daily to the United States, nearly as much as Saudi Arabia.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently called Chavez "a negative force" in Latin America, and the State Department backed Colombia in a recent dispute between the Caribbean neighbors over the arrest of a Colombian rebel in Caracas by Colombian officials without Venezuela's knowledge or consent.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Real history and the fake photographs that fool the media

it is interesting to follow the lies that are being shown to us on the corporate media as the U.S. government plans it's next war (in Iran).

the photographs that allegedly "prove" suspicious Iranian activity at a "suspicious" nuclear site, are actually photos from North Korea's Yongbyon plant.

The same lies that were fed to us before the war on Iraq are being told to us today too...

all just bs fabrications.

fire the liars!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Venezuela Experienced Record Growth of 17% in 2004

Caracas, February 17, 2005—Venezuela’s gross domestic product grew 17.3% in 2004, closing the year with a "notable recuperation" according to the Central Bank of Venezuela. The oil economy, which accounts for 80% of the country's exports, experienced an 8.7% growth rate. This growth "constitutes the highest level reached since the Central Bank of Venezuela began to calculate the figure (GDP)," said the Central Bank.

and just recently, the CIA classified Venezuela as a "potentially unstable country in 2005".

perhaps what the CIA meant was that they will try to assasinate Mr. Chavez in 2005.

the U.S. is just pissing in their pants because there is a country near the U.S. which is strongly against the U.S. government.

well, soon Venezuela will switch from petro-dollars to petro-euros... watch the dollar sink in value even more!! :-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Budget Programs Facing Cuts, Elimination

Here are the 154 programs that President Bush wants to eliminate or cut in his 2006 budget proposal.

one hell of a list...w's greed knows no boundaries....all the money will go to his corporate friends and the army, in order to continue this war OF terror...

Friday, February 11, 2005

George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism

bush, pinochet, suharto, hitler, mussolini, franco....all the same greedy fascist pigs...

Ledeen admits meddling in Ukraine's affairs

doesn't surprise me at all, especially after reading Zbigniew Brezinski's (whom I loathe) The Grand Chessboard.

it's all about geopolitics, and all about (Caspian) oil.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Ann Coulter Sticks Her Entire Leg in Her Mouth

talking about stupid fools, here is one hell of a stupid bitch...Ann Coulter!

Ann Coulter is a loudmouth ignoramus who spouts her outrageous nationalist inaccuracies on American television with little challenge from the empty talking heads who interview her. But she finally found someone to stand up to her, in Canada--and she was exposed for the arrogant fool she is. Interviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Company's Bob McKeown for the investigative TV broadcast "The Fifth Estate," which devoted an hour-long January 26 special to how U.S. media have been highjacked by conservative bullies, Coulter was berating Canada for not sending troops to Iraq when she displayed her empty-headedness in the following exchange:

Coulter: "Canada used to be one of our most loyal friends and vice-versa. I mean Canada sent troops to Vietnam - was Vietnam less containable and more of a threat than Saddam Hussein?"

McKeown interrupts: "Canada didn't send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter: "I don't think that's right."

McKeown: "Canada did not send troops to Vietnam."

Coulter (looking desperate): "Indochina?"

McKeown: "Uh no. Canada ...second World War of course. Korea. Yes. Vietnam No."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

McKeown: "No, took a pass on Vietnam."

Coulter: "I think you're wrong."

McKeown: "No, Australia was there, not Canada."

Coulter: "I think Canada sent troops."

McKeown: "No."

Coulter: "Well. I'll get back to you on that."

McKeown tags out in script:

"Coulter never got back to us -- but for the record, like Iraq, Canada sent no troops to Vietnam."
You can see the entire exchange by clicking here.

Of course, Coulter was dead wrong. In fact, Canada's attitude toward America's war in Vietnam was extremely critical under several governments of our neighbor to the north. For example, when Prime Minister Lester Pearson--who'd won a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in defusing the '50s Suez crisis-- gave an April 2, 1965 speech at Temple University calling for a pause in U.S. bombing of Vietnam, he was the subject of rather notorious treatment by Lyndon Johnson at their subsequent meeting: LBJ grabbed the much smaller Canadian by the lapels, lifted him off the floor, and hollered, "You pissed on my rug!"

Pearson's successor, Pierre Trudeau, signaled his attitude toward the war in Vietnam when he granted political asylum to tens of thousands of draft-age Americans who fled to Canada to avoid having to fight in Vietnam, saying: "'Those who make the conscientious judgment that they must not participate in this war ... have my complete sympathy, and indeed our political approach has been to give them access to Canada. Canada should be a refuge from militarism." (How one wishes the current prime minister, Paul Martin, would take the same position with regard to those war resisters in uniform who have gone to Canada because of their opposition to what the U.S. is doing in Iraq.)

This is hardly the first time Coulter has invented "facts." To take just one more example, David Corn last year wrote a Nation web-post recounting how Coulter claimed, on the Chris Matthews Show, that George C. Scott had turned down his Oscar for the movie "Patton" because he was protesting the "critical" treatment of the general by Hollywood liberals. And even when Matthews challenged her on it and told her why she was wrong, she persisted in her falsehood.

The historically ignorant Coulter should be hiding in shame, and owes the Canadians an apology for insisting on her blatant untruth--while network bookers who continue to invite her to guest on their shows should be hiding under their desks if they maintain this empty-headed, epithet-throwing fictionalist on their rosters. (Thanks to the Canadian correspondent of This Is Rumor Control for spotting and providing the transcript of Coulter's on-air comeuppance).

Russia and China announce strategic partnership in a bid to counter expanding Western military and fiscal influences

...and Russia and China both have a strategic alliance with Iran, meaning that should the U.S. start a war on Iran, it would technically be at war with China and Russia as well....

the crazy neo-cons are really wanting to head towards another world war...

stupid fools...

Iran to take control of world's oil trade in 2005

and this is exactly the reason why the U.S. wants a war there, to get the oil riches....just like in Iraq....only this time it is much more dangerous for the U.S. since Iran has a strategic alliance with both Russia and China...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Fake Rocket attack...

from Xymphora
Typical Israeli timeline:

Peace summit arranged in Egypt between Sharon and Abbas.

On the morning of February 7, a day before the summit is to start, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told Israel Army Radio that he had received intelligence warnings that some militants, including Hezbollah, may try to disrupt the summit.

Due to the intelligence warnings, Israel Police moved to a level III heightened alert status, one level below a state-of-emergency.

Like clockwork, on the afternoon of February 7, rockets rained down on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, and were immediately described by Israeli police as Katyusha rockets fired by Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon.

Later in the same day, the attack was described as the result of 'human error' involving a failed test by an Israeli weapons manufacturer in the area. It was made clear - some might say too clear - that although the failed test took place on an IDF firing range and was by a weapons company closely associated with the IDF, the IDF had nothing to do with it.

Obviously, the IDF attempted to disrupt the summit, or even provide a reason to call it off, by faking a rocket attack by Hezbollah. It wasn't a coincidence that the Israeli Defense Minister announced the possibility of an attack in the morning, and a faked attack occurred in the afternoon. This is the usual Israeli terrorist bullshit. On times too numerous to mention, whenever Sharon needs political cover to hide some outrage he is committing a convenient 'Palestinian' attack pops up to distract the press and make the poor, poor Israelis look like victims again. This time they were caught red handed, and had to come up with the laughable excuse of 'human error' in rocket testing (you've got to be kidding!). But here's the good part, and the aspect of this whole sordid matter that inspires some optimism. They were busted, and they were busted by IDF insiders. People in the IDF was so disgusted by the trickery that they spilled the beans, resulting in the necessity of the ridiculous cover story to explain the inconvenient fact that rockets coming from an IDF firing range were landing on an Israeli town. It wouldn't do for people to find out that crazies in the IDF were willing to murder Israelis in order to stop the peace process.

The good news is that there are Israelis, including Israelis in the IDF, who wouldn't let them get away with it. If Israel is ever to have peace, we need to see more of this whistleblowing.

posted at 1:31 AM permanent link

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A Complete List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers

a complete list of the crazy neo-cons who want continous war (an endless "war on terror") where civil liberties are scrapped and a one world empire created (New World Order).

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Freedoms lost under G.W. Bush

If history is any teacher, it instructs us in the incremental process that elitists use to implement their totalitarian agenda. The first step is to use an incessant, highly orchestrated propaganda. For all practical purposes, the major media in the United States is providing that propaganda. At the national level, there is hardly any investigative journalism going on. Instead, the national press corps has become little more than lazy lackeys for the White House.

The second step is to lay the foundation for totalitarianism by passing legislation that may later be used against the citizenry. And that is exactly what the Bush administration has very successfully accomplished. It very adroitly succeeded where the Clinton administration failed.

For example, most conservatives would be surprised to learn that the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security was the brainchild of one William Jefferson Clinton. However, a recalcitrant Republican Congress denied Clinton the opportunity to implement these plans. Of course, with the Republican, G.W. Bush, serving as President, that same Republican Congress was all too eager to pass these bills into law.

The third step is to demonize and marginalize anyone and everyone who opposes the government's plans and ambitions. Such opponents are characterized as "unpatriotic," "obstructionist," "uncompassionate," or even "ungodly." Once again, the Bush minions have very skillfully done just that. Anyone who dares to oppose or even question Bush must be regarded as enemies of America or even as enemies of God.

Of course, the last step is to begin using the power and force of government to physically silence or remove those who are determined to require such treatment. And, as Germany's National Socialists proved, by the time this happens, there is no one around who is capable of coming to the assistance of such people.

For those who are willing to objectively analyze Bush's actions and policies, the truth is clearly seen: this President has systematically put in place laws, policies, and bureaucracies that can, are, and will continue to strip the American citizenry of the constitutional protections of their liberties.

Following are examples of freedoms which President Bush and his fellow Republicans in Congress have already expunged (as reported by the Associated Press):

FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once- public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records questions.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.

RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.

FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.

RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.

RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

These rights have already been lost! Whether individual Americans have been personally subjected to the resultant tyranny or not doesn't change the fact that they have already lost these freedoms! This fact, alone, should be enough for any studious lover-of-liberty to be outraged!

That good men are compliant and unconcerned regarding G.W. Bush's propensity to trample constitutional freedoms bespeaks a great ignorance or a great apathy, or both!


i usually do not link to religious sites, but this article was worth reading.

It truly is saddening to see the state of U.S. politics...

everything happening in the U.S. right now with the Patriot Acts and Homeland Security is reminiscent to that what happened in Germany in the 1930's with the rise of the National Socialist party..

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Top U.S. Marine General, it is "fun to shoot some people

02/02/05 "NBC" -- SAN DIEGO -- At a panel discussion in San Diego Tuesday, a top Marine general tells an audience that, among other things, it is "fun to shoot some people."

The comment, made by Lt. Gen. James Mattis, came in reference to fighting insurgents in Iraq. He went on to say, "Actually, its a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot. I like brawling."

yep yep, winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people...

on a side note, another marine was just killed in the Al Anbar province...

and why? because of dirty lies being spewed out by the U.S. government, and the lies being echoed on corporate mainstream media...

Speaking out about Israel to save the Jewish soul

The truth is that if we don't “come out” about Israel now — speaking openly and clearly about our heartache and outrage, about the injustice we see, the unspeakable wrongness of Israel's pursuit of land over peace — then in the future there will not be a Jewish tradition left to defend. It will have become an empty shell, and all of the infinite good works done every day by Jews throughout time and place will be rendered meaningless by the actions of a state that claims to be a light to the Jewish people, but has become so accustomed to co-creating death and chaos that it can barely claim now to care for its own citizens.

according to the government of Israel, this writer would be a self-hating Jew.

if it was written by a non-Jew, it would be considered dirty anti-Semitic propaganda...

ironic isn't it?

truth is, Israel does not represent the Jews of this world.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Venezuela’s Chavez Closes World Social Forum with Call to Transcend Capitalism

Chavez said U.S.-Venezuela political relations are unhealthy because of “permanent aggressions from there”. He criticized U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who recently asserted that Chavez was “a negative force in the region.” He said those relations will stay unhealthy as long as the U.S. continues its policies of aggression. "The most negative force in the world today is the government of the United States," he said.

The President criticized the U.S. government for asking other countries to pressure Venezuela in the crisis with Colombia over the kidnapping of a Colombian guerrilla activist in Caracas last December. “Nobody answered their call… they are more lonely everyday.” He praised the cooperation of other Latin American countries in the resolution of the crisis, and mentioned that Cuban President Fidel Castro held talks with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe to try to help in the resolution of the crisis. Chavez agreed to meet Uribe early in February to settle the dispute.

"Imperialism not invincible"

Chavez added that U.S. imperialism is not invincible. "Look at Vietnam, look at Iraq and Cuba resisting, and now look at Venezuela." In reference to the recommendations of some of his close advisors, he said that "some people say that we cannot say nor do anything that can irritate those in Washington." He repeated the words of Argentine independence hero José de San Martin "let’s be free without caring about anyone else says."

"When imperialism feels weak, it resorts to brute force. The attacks on Venezuela are a sign of weakness, ideological weakness. Nowadays almost nobody defends neoliberalism. Up until three years ago, just Fidel [Castro] and I raised those criticisms at Presidential meetings. We felt lonely, as if we infiltrated those meetings."


He said there were old and new actors in the geopolitical map who are coming into the scene and have an influence in the weaknesses and strengths of the U.S. hegemony. "Today's Russia is not Yeltsin's... there is new Russian nationalism, and I have seen it in the streets of Moscow... there is a good president, Mr. Putin, at the wheel." He also praised China's fast economic growth, and highlighted the new Spanish socialist government, "which no longer bends its knees in front of U.S. imperialism."

"The south also exists... the future of the north depends on the south. If we don't make that better world possible, if we fail, and through the rifles of the U.S. Marines, and through Mr. Bush's murderous bombs, if the is no coincidence and organization necessary in the south to resist the offensive of neo-imperialism, and the Bush doctrine is imposed upon the world, the world will be destroyed," he said.

Chavez warned of drastic weather changes that would bring catastrophic events if no action is taken soon, in reference to uncontrolled or little regulated industrial activity. Chavez added that perhaps before those drastic changes take place, there will be rebellions everywhere "because the peoples are not going to accept in peace impositions such as neoliberalism or such as colonialism."


any wonder the U.S. hates Chavez? :-)

Viva Chavez!!