AHHHAHHHHAAAH!!! This article really would be funny if it wasn't meant so seriously by the neo cons....
this is typical right wing conservative BS. this article is filled with outright lies.
lets analyse the part of the article i can read (since i don't subscribe to NRO, i cant read all of the article...) (my thought in parentheses)
In military terms, the Western Hemisphere is the strategic rear area of the United States.
(so far true, but U.S. influence is finally fading)
The U.S. needs a secure and prosperous hemisphere not only to ensure a peaceful neighborhood in which to live, but also to be able to project its power to the farthest reaches of the globe and win the War on Terror.
(The U.S. with its destructive and greedy foreign policy will only give americans less security. America should let other SOVEREIGN countries to be INDEPENDENT of U.S. influence. America will never win the "war on terror", an imperialistic plan to dominate the world, as outlined in the plan on Rebuilding Americas Defenses in the Project for the New American Century. America started the War OF terror as they themselves planned and executed 9/11)
What is happening in our neighborhood?
Press reports indicate that a leftist-populist alliance is engulfing most of South America. Some Andean and Central American countries are sliding back from economic reforms and narcotics eradication, and the Caribbean remains irrationally hostile to the U.S.
(Latin America has finally woken up and started to think independently. The American based Washington Concensus (IMF) has so far DESTROYED the economies of Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela (pre-Chavez). Now these countries are ditching, or have already ditched the policies of the IMF and are actually much better off than they were under the burdens of IMF changes and debt payments. No wonder Latin Americans are hostile to the U.S. because the U.S. has always been DESTRUCTIVE in Latin America.)
This is the reality U.S. policymakers must confront; and our most pressing specific challenge is neutralizing or defeating the Cuba-Venezuela axis.
(What kind of danger have Cuba and Venezuela EVER been to the U.S.??? Cuba has a better helath carfe and literacy rates than the U.S.!! Venezuela is MUCH better off now (and much more democratic-read the new constitution of Venezuela that was introduced by Chavez) under Chavez than they were under the previous pro-US governments of Caldera and Perez. The only "danger" the U.S. sees is the SUCCESS of Chavez being implemented into the other Latin American countries, thus ERADICATING U.S. influence in the region.)
With the combination of Castro's evil genius, experience in political warfare, and economic desperation, and Chávez's unlimited money and recklessness, the peace of this region is in peril.
(Evil genius?????? to make such statements without showing evidence is rather foolish. look at what the U.S. has done in Iraq. Abu Ghraib, Depleted Uranium, Napalm, Mustard gas... who is the evil one here? Chavez's recklessness??? The kind of recklessness that has brought free health care and free education and jobs to millions of impoverished citizens?)
A quarter-century ago, a democratic revolution began to stir in Latin America and the Caribbean.
(Ahh, like the murdering of Allende (Chile), and overthrowing his DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT and replacing it with dicator Pinochet, or the chase for Ortega (Nicaragua), and placing the Contras in power while overthrowing the democratically elected Sandinistas, and the "democratic" regimes of Argentina (Menem) Fact is, the true democratic revolution is happening NOW in Latin America, and that is what is worrying ´the U.S., because Latin America will no longer be a strategic playgfround anymore for the U.S.!!)
Today, that revolution is in danger of being reversed.
(MUHAHAHA!!!!! finally!)
(Then this article goes on talking about Ronald Reagan and his "accomplishments", while ignoring the horrors the U.S. instituted on Honduras, and Nicaragua, namely through the help of a certain John Negroponte (back then, U.S. ambassador to Honduras, now, i think, some director in National security things...) who gave tacit U.S. support and funding and training for the Contras...)
The neo-cons seem to only know how to lie anymore.
Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the Neo-cons.