
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Monday, April 25, 2005

GM industry puts human gene into rice

Scientists have begun putting genes from human beings into food crops in a dramatic extension of genetic modification. The move, which is causing disgust and revulsion among critics, is bound to strengthen accusations that GM technology is creating "Frankenstein foods" and drive the controversy surrounding it to new heights.

Even before this development, many people, including Prince Charles, have opposed the technology on the grounds that it is playing God by creating unnatural combinations of living things.

Environmentalists say that no one will want to eat the partially human-derived food because it will smack of cannibalism.


what started happening to cows after we changed their food, feeding them food that contained parts of other dead cows?? MAD COWS!

damn these scientists are doing some really strange things lately....


As the saying goes, for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction...

As the U.S. is busy organizing and financing revolutions ("pro-Western") in Asia (to steal their resources, and privatize companies), the masses of people in South America are rising up and overthrowing the pro-U.S. governments to get back their stolen resources, and to re-nationalize the companies.

On May 2, the street protests will begin in Bolivia.

Lucio Gutierrez` government fell last week in Ecuador.

Will the same happen in Bolivia???

and after Bolivia, Peru will be next.

Interesting months ahead!

May the (U.S.) empire be brought to its knees!!!


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Scandal looming in promised $425 million for Sir Lanka tsunami victims that never arrived?

It is absolutely useless for the Conservatives to shift the blame only on Canada (and the Liberal party).

Truth is, as I saw a report in the German Television, NONE of the money the WHOLE WORLD sent to Aceh, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere EVER arrived to those respective regions...

One only wonders where the money went....

Aceh is very rich in hydrocarbons...and the Americans sure wanted to build (and are building) a military base in Aceh province...

An Economic 9-11?

George Bush and his neocons need a "terrorist" attack to justify the invasion of Iran, and a staged economic terrorist attack, executed from behind the anonymity of the Swiss Banks would be ideal. Blame for the crash of the US eocnomy could be shifted onto a scapegoat such as Iran, and off of the Congress that has borrowed this nation into ruin over the decades. The infamous FEMA Executive Orders, the means by which the nation can be turned into a legal dictatorship, include an economic crisis among the list of conditions under which the President can suspend the Constitution.

Three trillion in fake Federal Reserve Certificates could do huge damage to the nation, yet the mainstream media that screams "terrorism" everytime a taxicab backfires in Bahgdad has
totally buried this story.


because it was not that all-seeing all-present here-now-everywhere (dead, wooden-legged) Zarqawi!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Canada's "orange" revolution

Xymphora has a very interesting analysis concerning the "scandal" going on in Canada...

There's a corruption scandal going on in Canada that may threaten the current minority Liberal government and lead to a June election. This 'scandal' is very old news, and Canada has had an election since the issue broke, so much of it appears to have been generated by the opposition Conservatives and their very good friends in the disgusting Canadian media. A lot of the speculation is based on polls which have been generated by exactly the same polling companies which attempted to swing the last election to the Conservatives by releasing polling results which showed much, much higher Conservative support than was reflected in the election results (these lying polls were a form of 'push polling', intended to make the Conservative victory seem inevitable, but Canadians weren't fooled). Here's the best thing I've read on the subject, by 'weapons-grade pandemonium' in a Metafilter thread:

"Suppose for a minute the money was kicked back to the Liberals to save the country. If you look at the sleazy way the Canadian Alliance took over the Conservatives, how their platform is built nail for nail on the American agenda, then add Western and Eastern alienation & almost losing the Québec separatist referendum way back, and you'll see a picture of massive forces dedicated to breaking up Canada, picking clean our natural resources, and installing Star Wars under a Fundie government. Just suppose."

Exactly! We're seeing the 'Orange Revolution' applied to Canada. Americans right-wingers would dearly love to change Canada into an extreme right-wing clone of the United States, but have had to be very careful in doing so as being seen to interfere would have the opposite effect. They appear to have found the secret weapon.

The latest scandal is based on self-serving unsubstantiated allegations, the main ones from someone who is awaiting criminal prosecution for his role in the matter. These were hidden under a temporary publication ban intended to allow for a fair trial, a ban which was effectively broken by a systematic campaign by right-wing American bloggers who revealed the testimony based on their 'confidential sources'. We've already seen the use of blogs by the extreme right wing of the Republican party, particularly in the matter of the CBS Bush service memos. Paul Martin, the leader of the Liberals, has publicly stated that Canadians will play no role in Iraq (and the Americans are still riled that Canada refused to participate in the illegal attack in the first place), that Canada won't participate in the American missile defense program, and that Americans are welcome to try the Canadian refugee system to escape service in the war in Iraq. Canada has a large number of trade issues with the United States, particularly softwood lumber and beef, and Canada has slowly started to retaliate for American intransigence by putting tariffs on American goods. Canada is clearly angling to make a lot of money selling its enormous quantities of natural resources, including what is probably the largest quantity of hydrocarbons in the world in its oil sands . . . to China. Canadian lackadaisical attitudes towards enforcement of laws concerning marijuana drive the Americans crazy, as do the upcoming laws concerning gay marriage (American fundamentalists are sending large amounts of money to Canada to assist in the fundie campaign against the new laws, a fact which has probably hurt their cause). The Canadian health care system, which the Conservatives clearly want to destroy, is also very annoying as it gives Americans the idea that there may be some alternative to the insane American system. Cheap Canadian pharmaceutical prices don't help either.

The Conservatives have managed to smooth off some of the rough edges, but they are essentially a party combining extreme right-wing economics with hillbilly fundamentalist religious nuts. In other words, they have created a clone of the Republican Party. Canadians have seen the damage such policies have caused the United States, and clearly don't want any part of it. Will they be fooled by an 'Orange Revolution' - a campaign concocted in Washington to further extreme right-wing American corporate and fundie interests - into a disastrous choice of government?

Greetings From Mexistan

Apparently, there are several kinds of capital city rallies. There are those in Kiev, where multitudes turned out to protest the subversion of a national election and the attempted murder of the opposition leader. There are those in Beirut, where people gathered to protest the murder of an opposition leader and to demand self-determination. These were outpourings that our government encouraged.

And there was the one last Thursday in Mexico City, where 300,000 protesters filled the Zocalo, the great plaza in the middle of the city, to show their outrage over the decision of their Chamber of Deputies to keep that nation's opposition leader from running for president next year.

The government had not murdered the opposition leader, Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador; it merely proposed to imprison him -- and thereby disqualify him for the presidency -- because someone in his city government disregarded a court order to stop construction of a short access road leading to a hospital, over land that was acquired by Lopez Obrador's predecessor but whose ownership was still in dispute.


Democracy may be all well and good, but Lopez Obrador is just not Bush's kind of guy. As mayor of Mexico City, he's increased public pensions to the elderly and spent heavily on public works and the accompanying job creation. He's criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement as a boon for the corporate sector and a bust for Mexican workers. (As economist Jeff Faux has documented, while productivity in Mexican manufacturing rose 54 percent in the eight years after NAFTA's enactment, real wages actually declined.) He's opposed to Fox's plan to privatize Mexico's state-owned oil and gas industry -- a stance that probably doesn't endear him to the Texas oilmen currently employed as president and vice president of the United States.

Worse yet, Lopez Obrador's populist politics and smarts have made him the most popular political leader in Mexico today. The much touted "free-market" economics of President Fox have done nothing to improve the lives of ordinary Mexicans. Lopez Obrador's victory in next year's election would mark a decisive repudiation of that neo-liberal model. Coming after the elections of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Brazil, Nestor Kirchner in Argentina and Hugo Chavez (repeatedly) in Venezuela, it would be one more indication, a huge one, that Latin America has rejected an economics of corporate autonomy, public austerity and no worker rights.

So, democracy in Ukraine? We'll be there. Lebanon? Count on us. Kyrgyzstan? With bells on. Mexico? Where's that? Maybe they should move to Central Asia, change their name to Mexistan and promise to privatize the oil. That's the kind of democracy the Bush guys really like.

like i've said all along, it's all about geopolitics (oil), as well as regional as well as global hegemony.

all these revolutions in and around the Caspian area occured to serve American corporate and strategic interests. the U.S. funded all those (pink, rose, tulip) revolutions.

BUT, when revolutions happen in the backyard of the U.S., they get mad as hell about it. (because they serve the people, not the corporate elite). Should we call this recent revolution in Ecuador the "second Bolivarian revolution"?

Truth is, South America is finally waking up. After years and years and decades of American corporatism which has only served and benefitted the elite, the masses are rising up. Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay have in recent years elected people who are anti-capitalist. Well see what this recent revolution in Ecuador will bring.

Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru still need revolutions. When those happen, the U.S will have (finally) lost ALL influence in South America.

peace, love

Ecuador president ousted, accused of abusing power

a new wind of change is spreading across South America!

hopefully the new president will truly respect the needs of its people.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Bush Family's Murky Dealings in Venezuela

The Bush family is more evil and corrupt than most people can even (ever) fathom...

US appears to have fought war for oil and lost it

"One of the best things for our supply security would be liberate Iraq"; words echoed by William Kristol, the Republican party ideologist, in testimony to the House Subcommittee on the Middle East on May 22 2002 that as far as oil was concerned, "Iraq is more important than Saudi Arabia".

So when, according to the former head of ExxonMobil's Gulf operations, "Iraqi exiles approached us saying, you can have our oil if we can get back in there", the Bush administration decided to use its overwhelming military might to create a pliant - and dependable - oil protectorate in the Middle East and achieve that essential "opening" of the Gulf oilfields.

But in the words of another US oil company executive, "it all turned out a lot more complicated than anyone had expected". Instead of the anticipated post-invasion rapid expansion of Iraqi production (an expectation of an additional 2m b/d entering the world market by now), the continuing violence of the insurgency has prevented Iraqi exports from even recovering to pre-invasion levels.

In short, the US appears to have fought a war for oil in the Middle East, and lost it. The consequences of that defeat are now plain for all to see.

finally this is coming out in the mainstream news.

William Kristol is one of the PNAC Neo-Cons. He along with Wolfowitz (designated World Bank chef), and other PNAC neo-cons were the architects of this illegal invasion.

Fire those damn liars!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Pentagon's Secret Stash - Why we'll never see the second round of Abu Ghraib photos

The images, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress, depict "acts that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel, and inhuman." After Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) viewed some of them in a classified briefing, he testified that his "stomach gave out." NBC News reported that they show "American soldiers beating one prisoner almost to death, apparently raping a female prisoner, acting inappropriately with a dead body, and taping Iraqi guards raping young boys." Everyone who saw the photographs and videos seemed to shudder openly when contemplating what the reaction would be when they eventually were made public.

Once again, who is that evil beast???

U.S. Soldiers Told to ”Beat the F**k Out of” Detainees

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is charging that U.S. Army documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show that the mistreatment of detainees in Iraq was much more widespread than the government has admitted..

The advocacy group also accused the Army of failing to comply with a court order to release the documents and manipulating the media ”to minimise coverage and public access.”

The ACLU said the reason for the delay in delivering the more than 1,200 pages of documents was ”evident in the contents”, which include reports of brutal beatings, ”exercise until exhaustion” and sworn statements that soldiers were told to ”beat the f**k out of” detainees. One file cites evidence that military intelligence personnel in Iraq ”tortured” detainees held in their custody.

yep, winning the hearts and minds of Iraqis...

anbd referring to my previous post, who is actually that "evil genius"? The U.S. resembles that evil beast more than anything else.

National Review + Neo-Cons pissing in their pants

AHHHAHHHHAAAH!!! This article really would be funny if it wasn't meant so seriously by the neo cons....

this is typical right wing conservative BS. this article is filled with outright lies.

lets analyse the part of the article i can read (since i don't subscribe to NRO, i cant read all of the article...) (my thought in parentheses)
In military terms, the Western Hemisphere is the strategic rear area of the United States.
(so far true, but U.S. influence is finally fading)

The U.S. needs a secure and prosperous hemisphere not only to ensure a peaceful neighborhood in which to live, but also to be able to project its power to the farthest reaches of the globe and win the War on Terror.

(The U.S. with its destructive and greedy foreign policy will only give americans less security. America should let other SOVEREIGN countries to be INDEPENDENT of U.S. influence. America will never win the "war on terror", an imperialistic plan to dominate the world, as outlined in the plan on Rebuilding Americas Defenses in the Project for the New American Century. America started the War OF terror as they themselves planned and executed 9/11)

What is happening in our neighborhood?

Press reports indicate that a leftist-populist alliance is engulfing most of South America. Some Andean and Central American countries are sliding back from economic reforms and narcotics eradication, and the Caribbean remains irrationally hostile to the U.S.

(Latin America has finally woken up and started to think independently. The American based Washington Concensus (IMF) has so far DESTROYED the economies of Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela (pre-Chavez). Now these countries are ditching, or have already ditched the policies of the IMF and are actually much better off than they were under the burdens of IMF changes and debt payments. No wonder Latin Americans are hostile to the U.S. because the U.S. has always been DESTRUCTIVE in Latin America.)

This is the reality U.S. policymakers must confront; and our most pressing specific challenge is neutralizing or defeating the Cuba-Venezuela axis.

(What kind of danger have Cuba and Venezuela EVER been to the U.S.??? Cuba has a better helath carfe and literacy rates than the U.S.!! Venezuela is MUCH better off now (and much more democratic-read the new constitution of Venezuela that was introduced by Chavez) under Chavez than they were under the previous pro-US governments of Caldera and Perez. The only "danger" the U.S. sees is the SUCCESS of Chavez being implemented into the other Latin American countries, thus ERADICATING U.S. influence in the region.)

With the combination of Castro's evil genius, experience in political warfare, and economic desperation, and Chávez's unlimited money and recklessness, the peace of this region is in peril.

(Evil genius?????? to make such statements without showing evidence is rather foolish. look at what the U.S. has done in Iraq. Abu Ghraib, Depleted Uranium, Napalm, Mustard gas... who is the evil one here? Chavez's recklessness??? The kind of recklessness that has brought free health care and free education and jobs to millions of impoverished citizens?)

A quarter-century ago, a democratic revolution began to stir in Latin America and the Caribbean.

(Ahh, like the murdering of Allende (Chile), and overthrowing his DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT and replacing it with dicator Pinochet, or the chase for Ortega (Nicaragua), and placing the Contras in power while overthrowing the democratically elected Sandinistas, and the "democratic" regimes of Argentina (Menem) Fact is, the true democratic revolution is happening NOW in Latin America, and that is what is worrying ´the U.S., because Latin America will no longer be a strategic playgfround anymore for the U.S.!!)

Today, that revolution is in danger of being reversed.
(MUHAHAHA!!!!! finally!)

(Then this article goes on talking about Ronald Reagan and his "accomplishments", while ignoring the horrors the U.S. instituted on Honduras, and Nicaragua, namely through the help of a certain John Negroponte (back then, U.S. ambassador to Honduras, now, i think, some director in National security things...) who gave tacit U.S. support and funding and training for the Contras...)

The neo-cons seem to only know how to lie anymore.
Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the Neo-cons.

An Arabic Joke

found this on the internet... :-)

An old Arab lived close to New York City for more than 40 years. He would have loved to plant potatoes in his garden, but he is alone, old and weak. His son is in college in Paris, so the old man sends him an e-mail. He explains the problem:"Beloved son, I am very sad, because I can't plant potatoes in my garden. I am sure, if only you were here, you would help and dig up the garden for me, I love you, Your Father"

The following day, the old man receives a response e-mail from his son:"Beloved Father, Please don't touch the garden. It's there that I have hidden 'the THING'.I love you too, Ahmed"At 4pm the US Army, The Marines, the FBI, the CIA and the Rangers visit the house of the old man, take the whole garden apart, search every inch, but can't find anything. Disappointed they leave the house.

A day later, the old man receives another e-mail from his son."Beloved Father, I hope the garden is dug up by now and you can plant your potatoes. That's all I could do for you from here. I love you, Ahmed."