
anti-war; pro-peace-- anti-globalization, big business; pro-small business-- anti-rich; pro-poor "The only way of ending poverty is giving power to the poor. Knowledge and consciousness are the main power!" – President Hugo Chávez

Sunday, July 31, 2005

USA wollen Truppen nicht aus Mittelasien abziehen

Washington. AP/baz. Die USA haben eine Aufforderung mittelasiatischer Staaten nach Abzug ihrer Truppen aus Usbekistan und Kirgisien zurückgewiesen. Die Anwesenheit von US-Soldaten in diesen Ländern basiere auf bilateralen Abkommen und gereiche beiden Seiten zum Vorteil, erklärte Aussenamtssprecher Sean McCormack am Dienstag in Washington. Die Schanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SCO) hatte zuvor auf ihrem Gipfeltreffen in Kasachstan gefordert, angesichts der nachlassenden Kämpfe in Afghanistan sollte die US-Regierung einen Abzugstermin festlegen.

Die USA unterhalten für die am Afghanistan-Einsatz beteiligten Soldaten Stützpunkte in Usbekistan und Kirgisien. Beide ehemalige Sowjetrepubliken gehören zur SCO. Weitere Mitglieder dieser mittelasiatischen Allianz sind China und Russland sowie Kasachstan und Tadschikistan. In der in Astana veröffentlichten Erklärung hiess es, die Lage in Afghanistan habe sich so weit stabilisiert, dass die Anwesenheit von US-Truppen in Nachbarländern nicht mehr notwendig sei.

Arrogante Bastarden diese US-Truppen.

Aber ist ja klar, die Truppen wollen da bleiben, um die ÖLFELDER im Kaspischen Meer für sich zu sichern! Die haben jetzt Angst dass die Russen (und evtl. China) da am Einfluss gewinnen...(Sehe mal nach Uzbekistan, wo Karimow gerade die U.S. Truppen eine Ultimatum von 180 Tagen zum Verlassen von Uzebekistan gegeben hat...)

Es kann aber leider ganz schnell gefährlich werden, wenn die USA da in dem Gebiet China und Russland so in der Massen verärgern wollen...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Iran oil bourse wins authorization

Iran oil bourse wins authorization TEHRAN (PIN) — Iran’s Bourse Council has given the go ahead to establishment of the first-ever oil, gas and petrochemical stock market in the Islamic Republic, a deputy minister of oil said.

Mohammad Javad Assemipur told PIN the national council has promised to lay the foundation for the oil, gas and petrochemical bourse.

Assemipur, also in charge of the country’s oil bourse, said the stock market will play a significant role in national revenues and transparency in the oil deals.

He said the idea behind this oil bourse came from the government of outgoing President Mohammad Khatami. Assemipur said: “In the first stage, oil products and petrochemicals would be traded in this bourse.”

“We sought consultation from 180 stock markets and relevant institutes in the world before deciding to open this bourse in Iran. But we have not copied their structures and we have our own system in the country,” he added.

Iran’s oil bourse will be the first of the kind in the Middle East and notably within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

The official said the stock market would be constructed in the Persian Gulf island of Kish.

“We are also making plans to open an information market for Iran’s oil bourse,” he said, adding the bourse will open branch offices in Assaluyeh and Ahvaz.


Ok so here we see Iran entering the oil market with their own oil bourse, which of course, would be a great competitor to the British Brent Spar, which has controlled the oil bourse for a long time now.

Just like Iraq was about tto change their oil trade into Euros, they were attacked and the dollar installed. Now Iran wants to trade, and are switching either to Euro old the Gold Dinar, and now Cheney is openly talking about nuking Iran.

It is all about geopolitics. It all adds up and makes sense when understanding which puzzles go together.

What Is the Plan If There's Another 9/11?

According to Philip Giraldi, writing in the new issue (not online) of the American Conservative, it's to nuke Iran:

The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney's office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing--that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack--but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections.

interesting to read, especially when taking into account my other post...

Friday, July 22, 2005

The Constitution of the Corporate States of America

By ROSEMARIE JACKOWSKI Jul 21, 2005, 23:15

We, the Ruling Class of the New United States of America, in order to form a more perfect home for corporations, establish Justice for some, insure occasional Domestic Tranquillity, provide for Defense and Offense, and secure the blessings of liberty only to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the New United States of America.

Article 1

Henceforth the power to declare war shall no longer reside in the Congress. Because the Congress has abdicated its duty, the power to declare war shall reside with the Commander-in-chief, or any member of the Cabinet who happens to be having a bad day.

Article 2

Henceforth, the right of Eminent Domain shall extend to corporations. Because corporations have shown an extraordinary level of charity and benevolence to the citizens of this sovereign nation, the rights and privileges of ownership of all privately held property shall now be automatically transferred to the nearest corporation. The right of private ownership of property by ordinary citizens is hereby abolished.

Article 3

The rights and privileges of personhood, having been granted to corporations by previous official edict, shall be expanded. Henceforth, only corporations shall be allowed to vote. Ordinary citizens are hereby stripped of their personhood. All rights and privileges formerly held by individual citizens are now rendered null and void.

Article 4

The Right of Sovereign Immunity, having been ordained by our Creator under the principle of the Divine Right of Kings, shall be expanded to include all who are in the Ruling Class.

Article 5

Henceforth, the Court system is closed to all except the moneyed elite. Since that is the way that it has been for a long time, this document will legitimize it.

Article 6

Henceforth, all crimes, felonies, misdemeanors, traffic violations etc. shall be punishable by death. It is in the interest of society to maintain order. Capital Punishment will insure adherence to the Rule of Law.

Article 7

Henceforth, the Right to Trial by Jury is abolished. Guilt or innocence will be determined by the judgment of the Commander-in-chief.

Article 8

Dissent contributes to disorder in society. Henceforth, all dissenters will be silenced and/or neutralized in the most efficient way.

Article 9

The word of the Commander-in-chief shall be the Supreme Law of this Land and all other Lands. All, in this country and everywhere on the planet, are hereby ordered to abide by it. Any violation shall be considered to be an Act of Treason, punishable by torture and death. Rights of citizens in other countries shall not be recognized. All on the planet are now subject to the Law of the Commander-in-chief. The sovereignty of other nations is no longer recognized.

Article 10

All rights and privileges not enumerated in this document shall revert to the Supreme Commander-in-chief.

© Copyright 2005 by AxisofLogic.com

ROSEMARIE JACKOWSKI Bio info: Rosemarie Jackowski is an advocacy journalist living in Vermont. She was arrested, tried, and convicted for participating in a peaceful protest of the war. The conviction is currently under Appeal in the State Supreme Court. She can be reached at dissent@sover.net

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Venezuela Dismisses Initiative for U.S. Government TV and Radio in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela, July 20, 2005—Venezuela’s Ambassador to the U.S. dismissed a proposal that passed the U.S. House of Representatives today, to allow the U.S. “to initiate radio and television broadcasts that will provide a consistently accurate, objective, and comprehensive source of news to Venezuela.” The initiative, which is an amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 2005, was proposed by the Republican Florida representative Connie Mack and passed the House today by voice vote. It still has to pass the U.S. Senate.


fair and balanced news from the U.S. to Venezuela in Fox News style reporting....what a (sick) joke!!!!

A message to the U.S. Government :

Take a look at Venevision, Globovision, and Univision...and then understand that Venezuela is a free society and has freedom of the press. All of these channels are already vehemently anti-Chavez.

No freedom of dissent? The rich business community is openly confronting Chavez.

Take a look at Venezuela's constitution here:


and realise that the Venezuelan society is a free one.

One last message to the U.S. government: Don't interfere with Venezuelan affairs!!!

On July 24, a new South American broadcasting network will start its programs!!

Telesur (television of the south) will air Latin views into South America!

Nice to see U.S. influence fading in South America!

Hasta la Victoria siempre! :-)